Doped guard dog

From MHWiki
[v·e] Doped guard dog
Your dog will watch over you especially well tonight, if you decide to go up on the ramparts as a watchman tonight. Don't worry, the foam in his mouth is completely normal...
Sub CategoryTamer
When on watch:
Survival chance
+3 %
Chien de garde dopé
Gedopter Wachthund
Perro guardián dopado
New in Season 17

Just stay away from the dog now. It's not clear whether it makes a difference between zombies and ugly humans in this state.



  • It changes the watchman's Defence by +15.
  • It changes the watchman's chance of survival by +3 %.


  • It is automatically removed after the next Attack.


v · e Status
Nutrition Fed • Refreshed • Thirsty • Dehydrated!
Intoxication Drunk • Hungover • Clean • Drugged • Hooked! • Ghoul
Trauma Wounded • Healed • Infected • Immunised
Mental Exhausted • Terrorised • Learned Camper
Heroic Cheat Death () • Hydrated • Sober
Tamer Guard dog () • Stand guard ()
Roles Guide to the World Beyond • Shaman • Shunned