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[v·e] Thefts
Number of objects you have stolen from your fellow residents (alive).
Category Distinctions
Sub Category Normal distinctions

After stealing so many things, you might expect people to hold a grudge against you and your acts of crime. On the contrary, theft is in fact extremely common, as long as you only take a Radio Cassette Player (no battery) or Box of Matches and promptly return it, no one would even bat an eye!


  • Steal an item from a citizen's Home when the citizen is outside of town.
    • Only one item can be stolen per day. Theft can't be made if the citizen doesn't have space in his/her inventory.
      • When the town is in Chaos, all citizens can steal without limitation.
    • Each attempt has about a 50% chance of being detected, with a entry appearing in the town log whenever a thief is detected.


  • 10× = Tea Leaf
  • 30× = Artful Dodger
  • 40× = Chiseler
  • 50× = Ali Baba
  • 75× = Rusty Ryan
  • 100× = Danny Ocean
  • 500× = Master Thief
  • 1000× = Cleptomaniac
  • 2000× = Your home is my home


  • When the town is in Chaos, stealing is unlimited. This can be utilised between two players to indefinitely earn this distinction.
    • Citizen A stores as many items as possible in their chest, then waits outside the town gates. Citizen B then steals all items, leaves them in his chest, and waits outside the town gates. Citizen A then returns to town and steals every item back, and waits outside the town gates. The process can then be repeated as many times as desired.
  • If the Green Imp Suit is in the thief's inventory, then the theft will always be detected and recorded, but the log will be tampered with and claim a Leprechaun is responsible. The thief will also earn the distinction The leprechaun got you good instead of Thefts.
  • You cannot rob a citizen if you have sent them an object today.
  • You cannot rob anyone if you send too many objects through the mail for one day.