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Does the crow personally touch all the newspapers? If so, then

1.That's epic, because I've been in one. 2.That seems like a waste of time, give us 5 min attacks not 10 or 15 ones, we don't care about the gazette that much. - Lucian Nasir

I'm fairly sure its all just randomly generated. But who knows maybe they do review each gazette it seems just about possible. Discordance 06:04, 22 April 2011 (PDT)

I doubt it's written by the crow personally.

If we want to check, I recommend we keep a copy of each gazette produced (either personally or on this discussion thread) and see if there are repeats.

This todays gazette for our village (Wednesday, 4th of May, 2011): One of the 130 attacking zombies from last night was found in the well I'd strongly advise you to skip your water ration today, as it'd be a great way to get an infection...

Listen to this, † wsaac's death from dehydration is a worrying sign. The more you think about it, the more thirsty you become, don't you find?

The first paragraph is important to my mind. Is it an actual game feature, or just to make us paranoid?

Also, I hope that my edit to the page is acceptable. I added a lot of detail, mostly on obituaries, since we know what causes those. --Mr.Buckethat 03:33, 4 May 2011 (PDT)

  • A lot of people are concerned about this. It's called flavour text, it's just a little something added to spice up the news. And I can garuantee that the crow does not review each gazette personally, that would take more time than the attack is now, especially with the growing community as the game is becoming popular. --Mazt 16:51, 22 June 2011 (PDT)

Gazette on the first day of my new town:

We all remember the fun we had the day Manbeartank christened the toyger who lived in the town, Chas ... I'm sorry to report that Chas was found sprawled out on a construction site this morning. I'm sure Manbeartank would appreciate a short message of support.

One more thing, check out how many times Crufty2 was seen helping themselves from the bank like it was a free buffet. 18 times yesterday alone.''

The interesting part is the second paragraph: It's completely false. The user in question had taken 3 items out, and far more back into the bank.

Not only is the crow trying to slander people, insult them, belittle them and shame them, but it is actively trying to make us suspect one another.

Why the heck is a troll in charge of the Gazette? --Mr.Buckethat 14:52, 5 May 2011 (PDT)

skywing spent the whole night howling in their house, to the point that everyone thought that the zombies were making citizen steaks out of him. It turns out that they were just having a massive breakdown. No deaths in town last night.

FYI, no news from our 8 courageous citizens who ventured into the World Beyond yesterday. If in doubt, pillage their house...'' --Mr.Buckethat 15:44, 6 May 2011 (PDT)

6 of your fellow citizens likely got turned into zombie chow last night. We haven't anything from them in several hours...

The first SentenceEdit

I noticed that the start of each paragraph aren't completely distinct from each other, but rather pre-generated then randomly selected, like the rest of the messages. Here is a (incomplete) list:

Sentence Times recorded
[None] --
Please note: 1
It should be noted that 4
Furthermore, 2
Otherwise, 6
FYI, 4
I meant to tell you, 2
Listen to this, 3
One more thing, 2
That reminds me, 2
Story for you, 2
Apart from that, 2

Messages and TriggersEdit

  • Sufficient Defenses:
    • Please note : our defences made it through the night. I doubt they'll be sufficient for tonight, the zombies are going to be starving...
    • It should be noted that our defences made it through the night. I doubt they'll be sufficient for tonight, the zombies are going to be starving...
    • [It should be noted that] this morning, _____ celebrated last night's thwarting of the zombie hordes by running buck naked through the streets. "I wanted to celebrate the dawning of this new day in an appropriate fashion", the citizen explained.
    • A great night for some well-earned celebrations. No deaths in town resulting from the attack ! A sizeable horde attacked at the northern wall.
    • Good, nobody died last night. A horde of nearly [170/570] zombies wailed outside all night, but around none managed to breach our defences.
    • _____ spent the whole night howling in their house, to the point that everyone thought that the zombies were making citizen steaks out of him. It turns out that they were just having a massive breakdown. No deaths in town last night.
    • We had what we needed at the [eastern wall/town gates] to keep the [220/500] shuffling stiffs from getting through last night, that much is sure. Zero losses - save a few houses they hit.
    • The [340] zombies from last night had nothing but our scraps to get their teeth into, and some animal carcasses... Our defences held up well.
    • _____ was saved in the nick of time when getting ready to hang themselves in their home last night. They explained, "I thought they were going to eat me alive, and I didn't want to live to see that". In hindsight, it was a poor decision, as no zombies made it into town last night.
    • Furthermore, no losses in the ranks to report following the attack (none in town at least). "Yeah, I guess, but we're all going to die tomorrow night!" according to _______, a sceptical citizen. (Was seen with Four deaths out of town and Four dehydrates. Also, sceptical is how it was displayed in the Gazette.)
    • Our defences near the northern quarter seem satisfactory. The terrifying creatures from the horde were kept at bay... this time !
    • Horde food shortage : [810] zombies, and not one of them got anything to eat last night, our defences held up well.
    • It looks like we got it right, since no zombies breached the walls last night.
    • Otherwise, our defences at the northern wall withstood the Hordes' terrifying attack last night. Around 20 zombies ! No loss of life during the attack.
    • No deaths to report from last night. It could even be said that the community has (finally) worked out how to organise itself to avoid extinction.
    • Otherwise, a great night for some well-earned celebrations. No deaths in town resulting from the attack ! A sizeable horde attacked near the western wall.
    • It should be noted that one of the [150] attacking zombies from last night was found in the well I'd strongly advise you to skip your water ration today, as it'd be a great way to get an infection...
    • Our defences at the eastern wall withstood the Hordes' terrifying attack last night. Around [820] zombies ! No loss of life during the attack.
    • Some citizens were sweating last night. A wave of around [1480] monsters tried to destroy our town, albeit unsuccessfully.
    • The zombies came at us hard for some time, but none got through... However, don't doubt for a second that they'll be back tonight, even hungrier and certainly greater in number...
    • It should be noted that our defences at the town gates withstood the Hordes' terrifying attack last night. Around 30 zombies ! No loss of life during the attack.
  • Insufficient Defenses:
    • Otherwise, we need to get a move on; our inability to build satisfactiory defences cost the lives of [4] citizens last night. For your information, there were around [190] zombies attacking the town last night. Awesome."
    • NB : ____ broke down in tears in front of everyone this morning (stress, no doubt), so happy not to be one of the [9] victims of the last attack.
    • Everyone heard [Resident] screaming when they were being torn apart by the zombies. Evidently nobody tried to help. Survival instinct. Will you be able to sleep at night now? (note: the name was not underlined nor with a † symbol; misprint?)
  • Deaths due to open gates:
    • Otherwise, the [5] deaths in town last night could have been avoided if only someone had hit upon the bright idea to close the gates to the town before the attack. Good job. No, really...
    • The cold breeze last night was coming from the gates... which nobody thought to close. The smell of rotting flesh this morning, that's coming from the [3] citizens who paid the ultimate price for your lack of organisation...
  • Deaths in the desert (seen with 7 deaths):
    • Nobody lifted a finger to help the 7 citizens that were blocked outside last night. I hope you can sleep at night with their deaths on your conscience.
  • Deaths in the desert (seen with 5 deaths):
    • FYI, we'll just forget about the citizens who ventured into the World Beyond yesterday, shall we? According to the latest news, there were 5 of them.
  • Deaths in the desert (seen with 4 deaths):
    • Some citizens are missing. They've been in the desert since yesterday, but there has been no sign of them since the attack. I hope there is nobody you care about out there...
  • Deaths in the desert (seen with 3 deaths):
    • I meant to tell you, forgetting how for a moment, but one of the 3 citizens missing outside last night found his way back to the town. They were seen at the eastern wall ! That said, they were missing both legs and they were dead in the minutes that followed. Grim.
    • Listen to this, the community starts to downsize slightly following the disappearance of 3 citizens in the desert last night.
    • The 3 citizens who went into the World Beyond yesterday still have not returned. I guess we can pretty much write them off as dead by now.
    • Other than that, 3 citizens missed roll-call this morning... They went out last night... not one of them came back... Not ONE.
    • Still no news from the 3 citizens who went into the desert yesterday. "Good news!" added _____, ironically.
    • 3 of your fellow citizens likely got turned into zombie chow last night. We haven't anything from them in several hours...
    • Another thing, "They're never coming back and we'll just have to deal with it", proposed _____ this morning, talking about the 3 citizens that have been missing in the World Beyond for several hours...
  • Deaths in the desert (seen with 2 deaths):
    • We'll just forget about the citizens who ventured into the World Beyond yesterday, shall we? According to the latest news, there were 2 of them.
    • No news from our 2 courageous citizens who ventured into the World Beyond yesterday. If in doubt, pillage their house...
    • FYI, 2 of your fellow citizens likely got turned into zombie chow last night. We haven't anything from them in several hours...
  • Deaths in the desert (seen with 1 death):
    • No sign of † _____ in town this morning. Some citizens report having seen them heading out yesterday during the day. No news since then...
    • That reminds me, † _____ wanted to play at being a Hero, wandering around outside without an escort. We haven't seen or heard from him in several hours.
    • No news from † _____ in the several hours prior to my writing this.
    • One more thing, † _____ hasn't returned to the town since they went outside yesterday...
    • Story for you, † ______ has been added to the list of Victims of the Horde, who has been missing in the World Beyond since yesterday.
    • That reminds me, still no news from † _____, who apparently thought it was a good idea to pitch their tent outside last night. Time will tell if that was good idea.
  • Death from poison:
    • Clearly someone didn't like † _____ : their meal yesterday turned out to be their last. The poison which had been added to it was most effective...
    • Funny story, don't bother starting any private investigations. If you wanto know who killed † _____ yesterday (arsenic poisoning), I firmly believe it was _____. I can't say too much on the subject, but let's just say that I have my sources. Treachery and treason - there's always an excuse for it. Ban the traitor !
  • Hanged:
    • † ____ didn't last long in town. Hanged in the town square and stoned to death. No half-measures here! Isn't civilisation grand?
  • Death from infection:
    • Listen to this, everyone will be happy to hear that † _____ died from their infection.
    • It didn't take long for the sickness to take down several citizens ([#], I think) during the night. Just [#] days of incubation and that's the end of them. (seen with 2, 2)
  • Death by Dehydration:
    • † _____ death from dehydration is a worrying sign. The more you think about it, the more thirsty you become, don't you find?
    • As of yesterday, † _____ is nothing more than a dried out corpse in a bed. That's what happens when there's a water shortage. For some reason there seem to still be some people who think they can take it or leave it...
    • FYI, a sterling effort from † _____ who made a bet with me that they could survive without water. I won though !
    • A dry spell in town (if you know what I mean). 4 citizens died from dehydration during the night...
  • Suicides:
    • Story for you, yesterday, some noticed that † _____ was really under the weather yesterday. So much so, in fact, that he opted to commit suicide.
    • I meant to tell you, † _____ finally made a good decision yesterday : committing suicide. "Better late than never", remarked _____...
  • Pets (observed with sufficient defenses, no deaths):
    • There is a great sadness in town this morning following the disappearance of our mascot [Frank/Sheba]. We suspect there is a traitor in our midst (some are talking about _____) but it's difficult to know more at this stage.
  • After the town gates are destroyed:
    • This town is dead... Flee you poor fools!

May as well start taking these down each day. --TechSmurf 20:17, 27 May 2011 (PDT)

    • Furthermore, we all remember the fun we had the day _____ christened the kitten who lived in the town, [Sheba] ... I'm sorry to report that [Sheba] was found sprawled out on a construction site this morning. I'm sure _____ would appreciate a short message of support.


  • Apart from that, we all remember the fun we had the day ____(1) christened the capybara who lived in the town, ____(2) ... I'm sorry to report that ____(2) was found sprawled out on a construction site this morning. I'm sure ____(1) would appreciate a short message of support.
  • Otherwise, there is a great sadness in town this morning following the disappearance of our mascot ____(1). We suspect there is a traitor in our midst (some are talking about ____(2)) but it's difficult to know more at this stage.
  • Otherwise, the capybara which was christened _____ (1) by someone or other was found cut in half this morning. One half was found in the well, which explains the strange-tasting rations today...

It seems that there are a lot of animal messages, from what I've seen.

--FireFiend 10:00, May 30 2011 (EST)

  • These come up with various animals as well, our town had a terrapin (had to google that one) --Mazt 13:45, 20 June 2011 (PDT)

Griefing (?)Edit

  • Found this message in our daily news, after someone accidentally opened the gates two minutes before the attack (--Nickyh 05:48, 24 December 2011 (PST)):
    • Apart from that, ____ tried to kill us all last night. Fortunately the plan failed and our losses were minimal. I vote that we get rid of him.

Searchtower's Meterological PhenomenaEdit

Widespread sandstorms raged in the west.

No doubt affected by the mysterious meterological phenomena which occur around midnight, certain zones in the west not a million miles from the town could have regenerated.

So it will again be possible to find objects when searching, even if the zone was previously depleted!

Ok, so now my question is that since its around season 2, and i'm not sure if it has anything to do with it. But i've been hearing that the Searchtower doesn't really regenerate zones like it used too. And yes, we DO have a level 5 Searchtower, but to me, it doesn't seem to regenerate like it used too. And i'm wondering that maybe the part where it says "in the west not a million miles from the town could have regenerated." Maybe that means its only "close" to town? Or maybe something different?

I don't know, but maybe this should be studied upon?

--TheProdigy 18:59, 16 July 2011 (PDT)

Search tower no longer replenishes zones within 2km of town, but it should replenish any zones farther than that as normally. --Mespia 19:11, 16 July 2011 (PDT)

MetaInline ImageEdit

Anyone know if there's a newspaper or some sort of image that would be good for the Gazette? I was thinking maybe an RP icon, but I don't think any of them really fit. --Mazt 18:35, 22 September 2011 (PDT)

  • How about  ? I believe old issues get stacked up, anyway. --KlarkMorrigan 13:14, 2 October 2011 (PDT)
  • Some makeshift derivative work, maybe? Like  . --KlarkMorrigan 14:17, 2 October 2011 (PDT)
That second one looks good, I'll use that for the data. Gratzi --Mazt 17:11, 4 October 2011 (PDT)
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