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City: The Knoll of Dogs Daily damage: day 1: 117 day 2: 97 day 3: 125

I thought it killed everything on the map? How do you go back to a town if everyone is dead? LigthWolf 06:38, 5 November 2011 (PDT)

I haven't seen it myself, but from what I understand I think it's possible to survive if you're far enough away from town (may have just been speculation), in which case you could return to town the next day. Supposedly everything is destroyed (Houses, Constructions, Bank, etc.) I could be dead wrong, but that was my understanding from the WF. Mazt 06:41, 5 November 2011 (PDT)

Range of SurvivalEdit

There seems to be no chances of surviving a nuclear blast as of season 5. If anybody has a reactor built, please note down the cause of death, distance from town, and pre/post nuclear explosion. --Nickyh 02:44, 3 May 2012 (PDT)

  • Example: Death by Infection (earned nuclear death distinction); 9001 km from town; during explosion. --Nickyh 02:44, 3 May 2012 (PDT)

Damage recordsEdit

Record the daily damage here.

  • Season 4 town: The Knoll of Dogs.
    • Day 1: 117 damage
    • Day 2: 97 damage
    • Day 3: 125 damage
  • Season 5 town: Dead holes of paradise.
    • Day 7: 92 damage
    • Day 8: 95 damage
    • Day 9: 50 damage
    • Day 10: 50 damage
    • Day 11: 92 damage
    • Day 12: nuclear meltdown
  • Season 5 town: Brutal parish.
    • Day 11: 52 damage
    • Day 12: 117 damage
    • Day 13: 70 damage

Current boundaries: 50~125 damage per attack.

Destruction of Town...?Edit

The Reactor in my town just blew up. Oddly enough, a common blueprint was deposited into the bank from the Architect's Study, and external maps can still access my town's bank and information (zombie spread and items on the ground). Everyone is also dead. I'm guessing the town is no longer destroyed? --  Nickyh 19:23, 4 May 2012 (PDT)

The Reactor in The screaming cavern blew up on Day 15 (October 21, 2012). Everyone who died from the blast was credited for that last day and received LLoD. Last Man Standing was also awarded. Die2Nite reported there was still someone alive until after the October 22 attack, although a count of the dead totaled 40. We can verify that the RNGs for death by infection and dying while camping run before the reactor blows; one citizen was outside and camping, and another was infected and died from that infection. --JKudlick 20:46, 22 Oct 2012 (EDT)

I have figured out why the town information is still available on external maps the day after the Reactor blows; it's because the Reactor blows AFTER the attack. The entries in the Great Register show that the zombies attack the gates, then the Reactor blows. Also, based upon my entry on 22OCT2012, those who die of dehydration, infection, withdrawal, and being outside do not get credit for the completed day, but those who die when the Reactor blows get credited with a death by Infection plus credit for the completed day. Since everyone died after the attack, not before or during the attack, the server still has XML data available for the town. --JKudlick 01:02, 03 Jun 2013 (EDT)

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