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Theres also flavour text that appears in the background of the interface. Discordance 04:34, 11 October 2011 (PDT)

My new town name is "Citadelle without future". That doesn't seem to fit into any of the town name, what should we edit/add to make this town fit?--Nickyh 19:14, 27 January 2012 (PST)

French Remnants[edit]

This page has automatically been added to the to do category for the following reason: Not exactly sure what this is supposed to offer. There are some remnants of french in the game, but a good deal of these are just filenames, they're correct english. Moving to the talk page for now.. The page was tagged by: Mazt 16:46, 16 February 2012 (PST)

Die2Nite is essentially an english translation of the French game Hordes. The differences are subtle, as one might compare the console version of a video game to the PC version. However, there are noticeable remnants of the french version, usually in the form of the names of items and objects. There are also bits that hint at beta or concept names. The following can be found by right-clicking on something and selecting Save Image As, followed by looking at the name on the bottom of the screen.

Areas of the town that were left completely in English and have no interesting notes will not be listed.

- Right-clicking on the My House icon: "home.gif" (will also change to "home_night.gif" if it is nighttime; other entries will have a * next to them to signify this change as well from this point on."

- * Right-clicking on the Construction Site: "agora.gif" (Latin for "meeting place". This is hinted at in the photo from the bloody microphone and speaker. That picture may never have originally been intended for construction site use, possibly a scrapped image for the town forum.)

- * Right-clicking on the Citizen's page: "jobs.gif". When right-clicking the larger image that appears when the icon is clicked and all people are listed: * "anpe.gif". This may be a humorous reference to the Agence Nationale pour l'Emploi, "National Employment Agency" in English, which helps job-seekers find new jobs. A note, where the "night" would primarily be attached after the name of the site (e.g. agora_night.gif), it is reversed; at night, the image will be named "night_anpe.gif".

- * Right-clicking on the Bank: "stocks.gif".

- * Town Gates: "door_night.gif". (Another note, when using the Inspect Element command on the larger image, the title is * "city_open.gif". It will change to "city_closed.gif" when the gates are closed. The Gates also follow the same "night" prefix as the Citizens page; it will be affixed after the main name. The title of City is also a recurring theme, the community is almost never referred to as a town in the names of the photos and various other areas.

- Project Of The Day icon: "smenu_upgrade.gif". (The name of smenu will be attached to all other names at the bottom of the page, e.g. the workshop or watchtower, and seems to mean Special Menu.)

- Watchtower icon: "smenu_tower.gif"

- Workshop icon: "smenu_refine.gif" (the title of refine is also the name of the small, hand-holding-a-hammer icon, and hints that the Workshop's actual name may be the Refinery.)

- Wall Upgrade icon: "smenu_wallimprove.gif" (Wall Improvement)

- Forum icon: "saloon.gif" (This is also the name of the Discussion section on the World Forums.)

- Gazette icon: "news.gif"

- Soul icon: "ghost.gif" (this is also the name of the Weak Spirit icon on your soul page; "ghost_blue.jpg" (normal) and "ghost_red.jpg" (hero version)

Item names[edit]

- Wake The Dead: "item_rhum.gif" (Rhum is an alternate spelling for rum.)

- Vodka Marinostov: "item_vodka.gif"

- Rotting Log: "item_wood_bad.gif" (the Bad suffix also applies to scrap metal).

- Twisted Plank: "item_wood2.gif"

- Wrought Iron: "item_metal.gif"

- Scrap Metal: "item_metal_bad.gif"

- Copper Pipe: "item_tube.gif"

- Battery: "item_pile.gif" (Cannot find the Wikipedia article on it now, seems to have been removed, but as far as I remember it is the French/Australian word for battery."

- Duct Tape: "item_rustine.gif" (French word, refers to small bags containing duct-tape-esque squares that can be slapped on small holes to cover them."

- Patchwork Beam: "item_wood_beam.gif"

- Broken Electronic Device: "item_electro_box.gif"

- Handful of Nuts and Bolts: "item_mecca_parts.gif" (May be a partial misspelling of the word mechanical, no idea. Nothing else has the word "mecca" in its file name.)

- Semtex: "item_explo.gif" (Partial of explode/explodes/explodable/etc.)

- Belt: "item_courroie.gif" (Latin again, means strap/belt/strip/band. It is also phonetically similar to the French word "courrie", which means courier, a person who takes things from one place to another. This is what the catapult does in a nutshell, which the belt is required for in its construction.

- Compact Detonator: "item_deto.gif" (Partial, "detonator".)

- Electronic component: "item_electro.gif" (Partial, "electronic".)

- Mechanism: "item_meca.gif" (Partial, misspelling, "mechanical".)

- Steel Support: "item_metal_beam.gif"

- Plastic Bag: "item_grenade_empty"

- Water Pistol (empty): "item_watergun_empty.gif"

- Battery Launcher 1-ITF (empty): "item_pilegun_empty" ("Pile" again, seems to be named Batterygun.)

- Can Opener: "item_can_opener.gif"

- Pathetic Pocketknife: "item_small_knife.gif"

- Rusty Chain: "item_chain.gif"

- Screwdriver: "item_screw.gif"

- Serrated Knife: "item_knife.gif"

- Staff: "item_staff.gif"

- Trestle: "item_trestle.gif"

- Mattress: "item_bed.gif"

- Old Door: "item_door.gif"

- Sheet Metal: "item_plate.gif"

- Solid Wooden Board: "item_wooden_plate.gif"

- Half-Eaten Chicken Wings: "item_food_chick.gif"

- Open Can: "item_can_open.gif" (no "food" after the "item", strange."

- Can: "item_can.gif" (again, no "food".)

- Dried Chewing Gum: "item_food_bar3.gif" (in the icon, there are 3 strips of chewing gum. maybe they were meant to be candy bars?)

- Rancid Jaffa Cakes: "item_food_biscuit.gif"

- Out-of-Date Biscuit: "item_food_pims.gif" ("pims" seems to reference to PiMs, a form of Jaffa Cakes made by the LU brand of Kraft Foods. Strangely, the names of jaffa cakes and biscuits seem to be reversed."

- Dodgy Homemade Dish: "item_dish.gif"

- Meaty Bone: "item_bone_meat.gif" (changes into just "item_bone.gif" when eaten).

- Mouldy Neopolitan: "item_food_bar2.gif".

- Suspicious-looking Vegetable: "item_vegetable.gif"

- Bedisde Lamp (off): "item_lamp.gif" (changes to "item_lamp_on.gif" when a battery is inserted and it is active).

- Beer Fridge: "item_machine3.gif"

- Old Washing Machine: "item_machine_1.gif"

- Pharmaceutical Products: "item_pharma.gif"

- Unlabeled Drug: "item_drug_random.gif"

- Anabolic Steroids: "item_drug.gif"

- Twinoid 400mg: "item_drug_hero.gif"

- Parcetoid 7g: "item_disinfect.gif"

- Cyanide: "item_cyanure" (French, cyanide in English)

- Hydratone 100mg: "item_drug_water.gif"

- Valium: "item_xanax.gif"

- Water-Purifying Tablets: "item_water_cleaner.gif"

- Box of Matches: "item_lights.gif"

- Ness-Quick Weedkiller: "item_digger.gif"

- Radio Cassette Player (no battery): "item_radio_off.gif"

- Full Jerrycan: "item_jerrycan.gif"

- Giant Rat: "item_pet_rat.gif"

- Huge Snake (Ophiophagus trouser): "item_pet_snake.gif"

- Pine Fresh Smoke Bomb: "item_smoke_bomb.gif"

- Crate Lid: "item_wooden_plate_part.gif"

- Incomplete Deck Of Cards: "item_cards.gif"

- Bag of Cement: "item_concrete.gif"

- Flash Grenade: "item_flash.gif"

- Groundsheet: "item_sheet.gif"

- Kwik-Fix: "item_repair_one.gif" ("repair_one" may refer to the the fact that the Kwik-Fix disappears when used to fix an item, unlike the Repair Kit, which simply becomes broken and can be repaired at the workshop/factory, or with (ironically) a Kwik-Fix)

- Repair Kit: "item_repair_kit.gif"

- Sheet of Plywood: "item_out_def.gif" ("out_def" may refer to the fact that it can be used outside to achieve a camping bonus)

- Stinking Pig: "item_pet_pig.gif"