XML guide

From MHWiki
This page has automatically been added to the to do category for the following reason: Check Content with regards to myhordes.eu. The page was tagged by: Isaaclw (talk) 03:14, 16 June 2023 (EDT)



<headers link="http://www.die2nite.com/xml" iconurl="http://data.die2nite.com/gfx/icons/" secure="1" author="Motion Twin <http://www.motion-twin.com>" language="en" version="2.171" avatarurl="http://imgup.motion-twin.com/" generator="haxe">

<citizen dead="0" hero="0" name="XMLbot" avatar="hordes/9/5/x.jpg" x="8" y="5" id="123456" ban="0" job="basic" out="1" baseDef="1"><![CDATA[]]></citizen>
<myZone dried="0" h="2" z="2">
<item name="Can" count="1" id="3" cat="Food" img="can" broken="0"/>
<item name="Beer Fridge" count="1" id="188" cat="Furniture" img="machine_3" broken="1"/>
<game days="3" quarantine="0" datetime="2011-01-01 22:25:59" id="12345"/>


External links[edit]