Expert Expeditions

However you managed it, but you have located and explored a ruin far, far away. Let's hope you have a plan for getting back to town, otherwise you won't be able to be happy about your rare Distinction for long...

[v·d·e] Expert Expeditions
Number of buildings explored in EXTREMELY far away places.
Category Distinctions
Sub Category Rare distinctions
Explorations très lointaines
Exploraciones muy lejanas


  • Search a   Ruin that is located 18 km or more away from the   Town.


After accumulating certain amounts of   Expert Expeditions   Distinctions the following titles will be unlocked:

  • 5× = Extreme Explorer
  • 15× = Expedition Expert
  • 30× = Horizon traveller
  • 70× = Desert Shackleton
  • 150× = To infinity and beyond!
  • 300× = Indiana Jones and the ruins of the World Beyond


  • The distinction will be awarded after death.
  • The ruin itself has to be searched, not the zone.
  • Exploring ruins 6–17 km away gives the   Distant Discoveries distinction instead.
  • The distance is the direct distance (not the total   required to travel to the zone).