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There are many ways to kill zombies.
By far the most common and reliable way to kill zombies. See the Armoury for more details.
Fist Fights[edit]
At a cost of 1 you have a low chance of killing a single zombie.
The exact chance is not known. Currently it is thought to be between 8 and 10% chance of success but more research is required. (See Talk:Fighting.)
Success: During an frightful encounter, you finally managed to throw a zombie against a rock... Its head literally exploded and the contents splattered onto your shoes ! Breathless, you stagger backwards : that's one more
Success Log entry: (You) went toe to toe with a zombie and managed to finish him !
Failure: You grab one of the wretched automatons with both hands, touching the sticky, putrefied flesh... it's unbearable... You wrestle with it, trying to force it back, but it's not happening... It tries unsuccessfully to bite you several times ! You retreat, out of breath and demoralised...
Failure Log entry: (You) managed to get punched square in the crotch by attacking a zombie with their bare hands... that'll learn them
Vicious uppercut[edit]
Heroes may use their vicious uppercut ability once per game to kill 2 zombies instantly.
Break Through[edit]
Any player that was an Armageddon Witness has the Break Through ability. If zombies control the zone, the player has a 50% chance to kill one zombie and gain control of the zone for 10 minutes. There is no cost or penalty, although it can only be used once per town.
Air Strike[edit]
Not a direct form of combat but the Air Strike will kill all zombies in the same row and column as the town.