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Revision as of 02:21, 3 April 2024 by Wheely (talk | contribs)
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This page contains the following metadata:

  • ID (id) - 358
  • Name (name) - Kalashni-Splash
  • Image (image) - (Item kalach.gif)
  • Category (category) - Items
  • Subcategory (subcategory) - Armoury
  • Blurb (blurb) - A powerful water gun, its jammed mechanism won't last for more than 1 attack.
  • Foreign data:
    • French link (french) - French link unknown
    • German translation (german) - German translation unknown
    • Spanish translation (spanish) - Spanish translation unknown

Item specific data

  • Weapon (weapon) - watergun
    • Min zombies killed per use (killmin) - 3
    • Max zombies killed per use (killmax) - 3
    • Kill probability (killprob) - 100 %
    • Breaking/Emptying/Depleting probability (breakprob) - 100 %
    • Number of leftovers (items) - 1
  • Guard Weapon (guard) - true
    • Watchmen defence (guardvalue) - 24
    • Boost building (guardboost) - Filtering gutters
    • Survival change (guardsurvival) - 0 %
    • Number of leftovers (guardrests) - 1
  • Usable (usable) - false
    • Removes status % chance 2 (removestatuschance2) - 100

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