Talk:Dos and Donts

From MHWiki
Revision as of 21:36, 24 October 2011 by imported>Rosslessness (→‎Edit)


READ THE TOWN FORUMS! The town forums are the single most important part of this game. Die2Nite is about working together and getting organized as a community. Playing by yourself will kill you - every single time. Keep a close eye on current construction projects, expeditions and other ventures of your fellow citizens.

CONTRIBUTE TO THE TOWN FORUMS! Unsure about something? Just ask! The more experienced players will much rather answer even a stupid question than to have you waste ressources or your AP. Use the town forums to let other players know what you‘re up to. Make a note if you take something from the bank, start a new construction project, get stuck outside the town gates or notice something unusal. Your fellow citizens will thank you for it and the town will have a better chance of delaying certain doom. Plus, you will earn distinctions by posting on the town forums.

READ THE WIKI! You don‘t have to know everything, just where to find out. Whenever you are not sure what to do with an item, just look it up here:

If you click all kinds of buttons just to see what happens, the other players might not like it…

BUILD THE WORKSHOP FIRST! It's extremely important, so don't waste AP or ressources on any other buildings on day one! The Workshop will make you able to transform useless ressources into building materials, so it will be much easier to build other things once the Workshop is done. But there is a much more important reason to build the Workshop first: It does not add any points to the towns defense, but the number of zombies in the attack will increase rapidly each day. If the Workshop is not ready fast - ideally on day one - you will not be able to catch up, because you will be forced to invest all your AP and ressources in the towns defense later and at the same time you will not have enough materials to build upgrades for other buildings. The Watchtower should be your second choice. Do not build the Portal Lock! It seems like a bargain but it is a waste of materials and AP, at least in the first few days. If you start building the Portal Lock, other players might take the items needed for it from the bank to prevent you from finishing the Lock and wasting ressources.

BUILD A TENT! It costs two AP but you don‘t need any ressources. Tents are the basic town defense system. If every citizen builds a tent, the town is already provided with 40 defense points - enough to withstand the first attack.

PLAN YOUR EXPEDITIONS! Calculate the cost of AP for the route you want to take, before stepping into the World Beyond. Remember to check „mark“ and „global“ on the map for this. That will prevent you from getting stuck outside without food or water. Even if the other citizens forgive such a mistake, they might not be able to help you.

USE AUTOSEARCH WHEN SCAVENGING OUTSIDE! You can just stay in one zone outside and potentially find resources without spending AP. This does not only save AP but also prevents you from getting trapped. Wandering aimlessly into the World Beyond will not help you! Autosearch works even when the zone is depleted.

USE MAP MARKERS! Use map markers to let the other citizens know if an area has zombies, is depleted or if there are dropped items to be found. If there is something especially useful or if you get into trouble, post it on the forums. You should also keep the external map up to date.

Here you can mark exactly how many zombies and what kind of items to expect in every zone you have explored. You can also take a look at the bank or the construction yard even when you‘re not in town. Remember to „authorise external applications“ in your settings.

PUT DEFENSE OBJECTS IN THE BANK! They will provide the town with more defense when they are in the bank instead of your house. In fact, you should put all items except your food and water in the bank. Most items are useless by their own anyway.

ASK BEFORE TAKING SOMETHING FROM THE BANK! If you want to combine items to build something with them, you should consult with the other players for the town might need that objects for something more important.

SCAN THE WATCHTOWER EVERY DAY! It helps estimate the number of zombies in the next attack and doesn't cost any AP.


DON'T BUILD A HOVEL! At least not until the community decides to allow it. The twisted planks used to build a hovel are needed in other CRUCIAL construction projects! Most communities will immediately shun you, if you build a hovel!

DON'T STAY OUTSIDE PAST 22:30! Most towns will close and lock the gates half an hour before the attack. If you don‘t get back in time, your death is certain.

DON'T FLEE FROM ZOMBIES! At least not unless it is almost dusk. You will get wounded, which leads to an infection. The bandages and drugs needed to heal someone are very hard to come by. Getting wounded usually means you have one more day to live.

DON'T FIGHT ZOMBIES WITHOUT A WEAPON! Unless you are extremely lucky, you will never land a hit and waste all your precious AP.

DON'T PANIC! Trapped in a zone with zombies? Ask for assistance on the forums! Tell the other players your position and how many zombies there are. Hopefully someone will come to save you…

DON'T EAT OR DRINK WHEN YOU HAVE MORE THAN 0 AP! Food and water will restore all your AP, so don‘t waste it! Always use your food first! Drinking water should be the last „AP refill“ of the day. If you are healthy, you should get a total of 18 AP every day.

DON'T USE DRUGS OR WEAPONS EXCEPT FOR EMERGENCIES! Drugs and weapons should only be taken from the bank to use them for rescue missions, finishing important constructions before the next attack or getting much needed ressources into town - not for scavenging! Pharmaceutical products are very rare. If you don‘t know what effects a drug has, do not use it! Just ask on the forums or look it up in the Wiki. If you use drugs more than once a day, you will get addicted and eventually die.

DON'T EAT MEATY BONES OR HUMAN FLESH! There is a 50% chance that you will get infected.

DON'T RUN OFF TO A FAR CORNER OF THE MAP! If you carelessly wander into unknown territory, you will get lost and die or at least drain the communities ressources and AP in rescue attempts. Instead, stay in undepleted zones near town and autosearch! Just remember to log in and go back to town before the gates close. Expeditons that lead far away from town should always be joined operations!

DON'T OPEN OR CLOSE THE GATES UNLESS YOU VOLUNTEERED ON THE TOWN FORUMS TO BE THE GATEKEEPER! There should be one gatekeeper each day to avoid wasting AP or leaving the gates open. If you‘re the first one to go outside on a new day, feel free to open the gates.

DON'T CONSTRUCT TEMPORARY DEFENSES! At least not unless the situation is really bad and there is nothing else you can build to increase the towns defense. They might seem tempting because of their low ressource and AP cost, but they only last one night and can often waste precious resources.

DON'T ATTEMPT TO USE THE 'EMS'! At least not if there is any other chance of rescue. It will wound you.


I'm not sure why this is all in the talk section to, but it could use some touching up. The aggressive text makes me believe this was made by one of those "anti portal lock/hovel" types, the kind who shun immediately and think they've got the game figured out before they even get 100 soul points. It's also a game based on randomness and adaptation, it's never this concrete. Basically, it needs work. --Mazt 15:43, 13 July 2011 (PDT)

I disagree entirely with the camping section. --Rosslessness 10:36, 24 October 2011 (PDT)