
From MHWiki
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Water is absolutely vital for survival, and this is even more valid in a Zombie-filled Desert. Water Rations (main source: The Well) can be used for drinking to avoid dying of Dehydration, for filling Water weapons to kill Zombies and as a Resource for many Buildings.


There are 3 Status Effects that relate to drinking water, Refreshed, Thirsty and Dehydrated!.

Water Drinking Effects (consecutive uses possible)
Status If not or If Thirsty If Dehydrated!
If not Refreshed Restores to max
Gives Refreshed
Restores to max
Gives Refreshed
Removes Thirsty
No gain
Gives Thirsty
Removes Dehydrated!
If Refreshed No effect No gain
Removes Thirsty
No gain
Gives Thirsty
Removes Dehydrated!
If Ghoul No gain, gives Wounded


The following water items exist, mainly stored in the Food section of The Bank:

Combining Item With Result Notes
Aqua-Splash (empty) Aqua-Splash (5 shots)  For free with Faucet
Jerrycan Gun (empty) Jerrycan Gun (ready) 
Kalashni-Splash (empty) Kalashni-Splash  For free with Faucet
Water Cooler Bottle (empty) Water Cooler Bottle (1 ration) 
Water Cooler Bottle (1 ration) Water Cooler Bottle (2 rations) 
Water Cooler Bottle (2 rations) Water Cooler Bottle (3 rations) 
Water Pistol (empty) Water Pistol (3 shots)  For free with Faucet

Water buildings[edit]

These Buildings provide or save water when built:

Building Blueprints Effects Action Points Resources
Pump -     15    25 ×8 ×1
Water Catcher   2    10 ×2
Drilling Rig -   50    55 ×7 ×2
No Holes Barred   100    150 ×15 ×15 ×2 ×2
Divining Rocket   60    80 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 ×5 ×5
Eden Project   50    50 ×10 ×2 ×1 ×5
Mechanical Pump   75    86 ×5 ×10 ×15 ×1
Divining Rods   100    130 ×5 ×10 ×10 ×1 ×2
Water Purifier -   1-3 per    75 ×5 ×5 ×1 ×2 ×2
Water Filter   4-9 per    50 ×10 ×2 ×1 ×1 ×1
Hydraulic Network -   5    40 ×5 ×5 ×2 ×2 ×1
Faucet   Fill at without    130 ×10 ×6 ×3 ×4 ×1 ×3
Nature area of the Survivalists    to at    30 ×2 ×5 ×1 ×2