Learned Camper

From MHWiki
[v·e] Learned Camper
You spent last night outside, in the chill of the World Beyond. You were able to monitor the winds and the movements of the Hordes. On the strength of your observations, you will receive a searching bonus for the rest of the day.
Sub CategoryMental
Campeur avisé
Umsichtiger Camper
Campista astuto
Revised for Season 17

You were out in the World Beyond and whether by choice or not you didn't return to the town yesterday, instead risking a night under the stars. The good thing is that you've had enough time to take a closer look at the sand, so you're more likely to notice minor changes. Or like this.



  • All Searches in the World Beyond have an improved chance of finding an item by 10%.


  • It is automatically removed after the next Attack.
    • However, if camping again, the status will be renewed.
v · e Status
Nutrition Fed • Refreshed • Thirsty • Dehydrated!
Intoxication Drunk • Hungover • Clean • Drugged • Hooked! • Ghoul
Trauma Wounded • Healed • Infected • Immunised
Mental Exhausted • Terrorised • Learned Camper
Heroic Cheat Death () • Hydrated • Sober
Tamer Guard dog () • Stand guard ()
Roles Guide to the World Beyond • Shaman • Shunned