Christmas Candy

From MHWiki
[v·e] Christmas Candy
It looks like a kind of little chocolate candy, which contains alcoholic liquor. Or any other product...
Cookable item
Category Items
Sub Category Food
When used
Max + 2 (8)
gives status
Terrorised (41.0 % Chance)
gives status
Infected (24.6 % Chance)
gives status
Hooked! (14.8 % Chance)
gives status
Death (1.6 % Chance)
removes status
Bonbon de Noël
Dulce de Navidad

Santa visited your house last night and left something behind. Now if only you didnt forget you found Santa body and his clothes all around the desert on previous days...



  • Cannot be used if Fed, but does not give the Fed status, so consecutive uses possible
  • Kills the Citizen with a 1.6 % chance!
  • For restoring up to the maximum +2 (means 8 for a healthy Citizen)
