
From MHWiki
(Redirected from Death)
Revised for Season 17

The final event in every game of MyHordes, death is usually brought about by the claws and teeth of zombies during The Attack at 23:00 game time, but can also be caused by ending the day with potentially fatal Status Effects or using certain items.

Each different way of dying has a death quote and a portrait of the dead player's character, lying stone dead in their bed or on the desert sand. Even though they all are in the same position, they differ for details such as body damage, skin color or facial expressions.


After you have died, any Distinctions earned until your last complete day will be added to your Soul, and depending on how long you survived in a town you will gain Soul points.

You may choose to Reincarnate into another town; you may also access the World Forums (though, obviously, not the Town Forum), view Souls, and perform other non-Town-related activities while in the Afterlife.

Your Home is no longer protected by locks and items within may be pillaged by living citizens. Homes may also be recycled to reclaim all materials used in their construction. Shunned citizens also leave behind a Banned Citizen's Note in their house that points to any items they hid in the desert. Any objects in a hanged citizen's possession are returned to The Bank. You will spawn a Lost Soul outside of the town, this has no effect on your Soul. There is no effect on any town you join after your death.


A day is considered "complete" if you survive the night or die from consequences arising from the zombie attack at 00h00. Death of any other kind will render the day "imcomplete".

ID Death Death short Category
1 Terminal dehydration Dehydration Consumption
2 Strangulation Strangulation Special
3 Suicide by ingestion of Cyanide Cyanide Consumption
4 Mob justice (death by hanging)! Hanging Building
5 Disappeared in the World Beyond during the night! Vanished Zombie
6 Lacerated... Devoured... during the night's attack! NightlyAttack Zombie
7 Withdrawal Addiction Consumption
8 Infected Infection Others
9 Shot in the head Headshot Special
10 Unknown cause of death Unknown Special
11 Injected with a poison! Poison Others
12 Eaten by a Ghoul GhulEaten Ghoul
13 Your ghoulishness was killed during a fight! GhulBeaten Ghoul
14 Ghoul died of starvation GhulStarved Ghoul
15 Death by Meat Locker FleshCage Building
16 Chocolate Cross ChocolateCross Building
17 Seriously smashed up! ExplosiveDoormat Building
18 Possesed by a Tortured Soul Haunted Others
19 Atomic death Radiations Building
20 Death by Apocalypse Apocalypse Special
21 Liver failure LiverEaten Special
22 Mutilated RabidDog Special

External links[edit]