Getting Started (Tutorial)

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So there you are, dropped into a town, in the middle of a vast desert filled with zombies and other nasty stuff. Great! But what should you do next? This guide will provide you with a basic rundown of what you can do while you waste your days away in your meager little town.

In the beginning, the help texts and pop-ups that Die2Nite itself provides are very helpful. If you don't like them (or if you have learned all you can from them) you can turn them off by clicking on 'deactivate rookie mode' on the left-hand side of the screen. After you've gone through them once, this is recommended. There is some essential town information which cannot be viewed in rookie mode, for some reason. Also very helpful is the Help section of Die2Nite. You should consult this guide whenever you want to know more about a specific subject.

Action Points[edit]

You start each day with a base of 6 action points, or , which you can use for various activities around the town. Once these are gone, you receive the Exhausted status. But don't worry! There are various ways of restoring your . However, even with these replenishers, there are only so many that you will have to use each day. Use them wisely, and consult the town forums if you are unsure what to do.

Water Ration[edit]

Water is one of the most important items in this desert world. If you do not drink, you can only live a maximum of three days before you die of Dehydration. So naturally, the first and most important thing to do is to get your daily Water Ration from the well. Drinking water restores your and makes you Refreshed.

Important things you should remember about water:

  • Drinking your Water Ration will only refill your once per day. If you drink another ration after refilling your , you will only decrease your Thirst Level. However, if you drink a ration to decrease your thirst level from Dehydrated! to Thirsty, doing so will not refill your . That means that drinking another ration will restore your .
  • Water is precious and must not be wasted. You are in a desert, after all. While the Well may look full for the first few days, it will run out fast since there are forty players who can consume up to 200 Water Ration in 5 days!


Food will also help during your stay in Die2Nite. Eating will restore . Regular Food restores your to maximum, while Premium Food restores your to maximum +1. Beware, though! Eating a Meaty Bone may get you Infected, which will have a 50% chance of killing you each night.

You won't starve to death if you don't eat anything, although food is still essential for survival because it replenishes . There are no guaranteed sources of food, so towns often have a shortage.


Alcohol restores , too. Alcohol is separate from water, meaning you can drink your Water Ration and still get from Alcohol. Because it doesn't count as drinking your Water Ration for the day, it does not give you the Refreshed status. It gives you the Drunk status though: your writing on the forum will be distorted, and searching for items in the World Beyond will be a lot less effective, so it's recommended to only drink alcohol if you have already done your searches for the day. When you are drunk, you can't drink more alcohol. The next day, you will have a Hungover, preventing you from drinking booze, this means that you can only drink alcohol every other day.


Drugs should only be used as a last resort to restore , for example, when you are stuck in the desert with no left and you are both Refreshed and Fed. It is best not to consume drugs unless you absolutely have no other choice.

The consumption of drugs will give you the Drugged status for the rest of the day, as well as remove the Clean status for the remainder of the town. The main risk with drugs is that if you take them twice a day, you will become Hooked!. When hooked, you will have to take a drug and become Drugged every day, or you will die during the night from withdrawal. Being Hooked! is a heavy burden on your town, and should be avoided if at all possible. Note that some drugs, such as the Unlabelled Drug can cause addiction even if it is your first dose that day.

Lastly, note that not all drugs restore . See the Pharmacy for a more specific description and effect of each drug.


Bloody Hot Coffee is a non-committal, unlimited use restoring resource. Each one will give you 4 , and there's no limit to the amount you can take each day. It is very rare and valuable, so do not use it without asking your town first.

But Wait![edit]

Don't ever use restoring resources unless you're Exhausted (have no ). If you have no and eat something, your will be restored to maximum of 6, or 5 if wounded). However, if you have 3 and eat something, your will still only be restored to 6, thus wasting precious .

Most towns will set up plans to 'ration' all consumables. This involves planning the use of all restoring resources to make them last effectively. See the Rationing Methods page for some basic rationing strategies.

Spending Your Action Points[edit]


Now you're ready to explore the world! To get out of town, you have to go to the town gates. From there, you can leave town. The land around the town is divided into squares, all of which have coordinates. For example, the town is situated on square [0,0] and if you go one to the right and one down you will be on square [1,-1]. Moving from one square to another costs one (though entering and exiting the city doesn't cost any AP). Make sure you always have enough to get back to town once you leave! If you run out of in the desert and you have nothing to replenish it, you will not be able to move back to town, and someone else will have to bring you an replenisher (like food, water, or drugs). If you are not rescued and back in town by the end of the day (23:00 game time), you will die. To be saved, you'll have to make a topic on the forums asking for help. Make sure you include:

  • The coordinates of the square you're on
  • What items you would like to replenish your AP (for example, if you have already eaten today, then someone bringing you food won't help)
  • If there are zombies in the zone, and if so, how many

Also, make sure to flag it as a distress call! (Tick the box under your message) If nobody saves you, you can try camping - in your zone, click "inspect this zone" then "hide here for the night". If you camp, you have a chance of dying during the night, but if you survive, your will be replenished as normal, and you can move back to town. If you don't camp, you will die for certain. However, the chances of surviving this way are rather low - this is a true last resort.

You also have to be careful that you don't run into a group of zombies. In Die2Nite, humans and zombies are given control points. Each resident is worth two control points, while each zombie is worth one control point. If the number of human points in a square is equal to or greater than the number of zombie points in that square, you are safe - for example, one person can be safe in a zone with two or fewer zombies, and two people can be safe in a zone with four or fewer zombies.

When there's more zombie points, you're in trouble. You won't be able to move from your zone or search the area. You have three choices - flee, fight, or ask for help on the forums. You should never flee - you will be wounded which will result in death very quickly. Never fight - it costs 1 and has a <10% chance of killing a zombie. You might use up all your and be unable to get back to town. The only sensible option is calling for help.

Ask for help on the forums if you are stuck in a zone which is controlled by zombies. You should always include these things if you are asking for help:

  • How many zombies there are in the zone, and how many humans
  • If you have got enough to return to the town after being freed
  • What times you will be online

Also make sure to flag it as a distress call! (Tick the box under your message) If humans regain control of the sector (human points outweighing zombie points), you will be able to get out of the zone. There's a thirty minute window after control of a zone has been lost in which it is possible to move from the square without getting injured. Make sure you are back in town before the gates are closed! Normally this is discussed on the forums; if it is not, it's best to be back in town at least an hour before the attack starts. If you can't escape the zombies, you can try camping. If you camp, you have a chance of dying during the night, but if you survive, it gives other citizens another day to come to your rescue. If you don't camp, you will die for certain. Camping if you are not in control of the zone is extremely risky, you will most likely die.


This is the good side of exploring. To scavenge, all you have to do is press the 'search the zone'. Do this in every zone you come through! It costs no , and you always have a chance of finding something, even in depleted zones. After you've searched the zone, you'll automatically enter auto-search mode. This means that your character automatically searches the zone every two hours. You don't have to be online to auto-search a zone. Auto-searching is generally a good idea; it will make the you spent to get to the zone more worthwhile. Don't auto-search in depleted zones. You will only find scrap materials, which are not too useful to the town. If you find an object, but your inventory is already full, you will drop it on the ground. You should think about what item is most important and possibly swap items to take the most important items back to town. Remember that you or someone else can always come back to a square later or on another day to pick up what you have dropped! Generally, it is a good idea to drop any items on the ground as you are walking away from town, and to carry back as many items as you find as you are going back towards the town. This is because if you find an item and put it in your rucksack and walk away from town, then in the next zone you find a better item, but your rucksack is full, so you switch it out, you will be moving items further away from town. This makes it difficult for people to bring back. You can mark the zone that you are in to indicate to others that it is, for example, depleted or that there is an important item in the zone - but marking anything other than the depleted icon is a bad idea. Knowing if a zone is depleted or not is the most important thing, so that people don't waste going out to a zone where they will find nothing but scrap materials. Marking a zone as having items or resources confuses people. If you do find an item or resources in the World Beyond, you should instead mark it on the [ external map application]. Scavenging is possibly the most important job in the game. Without people scavenging, you would not have the resources to build important defensive buildings. It is recommended that, if you can, you should spend your going outside searching for items instead of staying inside and building.


This is another key part of Die2Nite. To survive as a town, you and the other citizens will have to construct various buildings, like the watchtower and the workshop. It is impossible to survive without some of these. You need two things to construct buildings: resources and . It's very important that you resist the urge to just build anything that's available! This wastes your and also, if you finish the project, it uses up resources the town might need for another project. Use the forums to coordinate the things you are going to build. Look at the forums before building! The two most important buildings are the Watchtower and the Workshop. In the workshop, you can turn Rotting Logs and Scrap Metal into Twisted Planks and Wrought Iron. This can then be used to construct other buildings. The watchtower is used to estimate the size of the attack of the horde. The more players go up there to scan the horizon, the better quality the estimation is. Based on the estimation, a plan for the day can be made; for example, if the day should be spent building defensive structures or scavenging for resources. Ask more experienced players if you need to know what to build. They may have a plan in mind that would help the town.


There are two separate forums within Die2nite, the Town Forum and the World Forum. Both can be valuable if used correctly.

Town Forums[edit]

The Town Forums are only available to the people in town with you. Pay attention to these! There, you will be able to coordinate what construction projects should be completed and who is going to close the gates (among other things). It is nearly impossible to survive if citizens don't cooperate, so make sure you check the forums often. You don't have to post if you don't want to, but you must read them - otherwise, you may end up being shunned for doing something that goes against what the town has discussed. Be polite on the forums; don't spam and don't flame. This way, other citizens will respect you and do what you suggest to make the town work.

World Forums[edit]

The World Forums are available both in town and in limbo (time in between towns). These forums are available for everyone to see, and are broken up into four sections. However, as a resident, you can only post in Residents Forum.

  • Residents Forum Here you can talk about all aspects of the game, don't be afraid to ask questions or to chit-chat with the friendly inhabitants of the community!
  • Help Sadly you have to be a Hero to post here, but you can still read as a resident. Here you can ask game-related questions.
  • Saloon General chit-chat, has mostly been replaced by the Residents Forum
  • Discussions Discussions about the game, has mostly been replaced by Residents Forum so everybody can participate.

Your House[edit]

When you visit your house, you will see you have the ability to make upgrades to it. Don't do this. It costs precious and resources that should be spent scavenging and building. Most towns will say not to upgrade past a tent, but ideally you shouldn't build any form of a home. (Think about it, if everyone in town builds a tent that's 80 for only 16 defence!) After a while, upgrading your house is fine, just be sure to ask on the forums first. At the start of each town, you will find two things in your house: the Doggy Bag and the Citizen's Welcome Pack. Opening the doggy bag gives you a random food item; keep that for yourself for restoring later on. The Citizen's Welcome Pack yields a random item. This item is generally best put in the bank for the good of the town (for example, batteries fuel the town's weapons, and matches can be used to make defence for the town). Most of these items will be useless on their own, anyway, and you might get shunned for keeping them when the town needs them.

Not only can you upgrade your house, but Heroes can make certain improvements to their houses after building a tent. These upgrades, such as the Kitchen and Home Laboratory, can be very useful for the town when built.