
From MHWiki
Revised for Season 17

A Hero is any Citizen who chooses a Hero Profession (this is synonymous with not playing as a Resident) which gives them many advantages.

Hero advantages[edit]

Hero skills[edit]

Skill Type SUPER Group Description
A place for everything Passive E1, E2, E4 Additional storage compartments in the Rucksack
Architect Passive P3, P4 Blueprint at start of the Town
Brick S**thouse Passive P2 Additional Control Point in the World Beyond
Brothers in Arms Heroic Action -- Allows to spend a non-used Heroic Action
Cheat Death Heroic Action U1, U2, U3, U4 Allows to freeze and remove Status Effects
Clairvoyance Passive P1 Information about other Citizens' activity
Dictator Active S1, S3 Blackboard; Recommend construction; more complaints
False Bottom Passive U3 Additional storage compartment in the Personal Chest
Healthy Body Passive P1, P3, P4 Additional Control Points in the World Beyond if healthy
Heroic Return Heroic Action R1, R2, R3, R4 Allows to immediately return to Town from far away
Large Chested Passive E1, E2, E3 Additional storage compartments in the Personal Chest
Manipulator Active U1, U2, U3, U4 Manipulate Registry entries
Mr Writer Active S1, S2, S3, S4 Write more and anonymous messages
Omniscience Passive P2 Information about other Citizens' activity at once
Oxygen tank Passive E3, E4 More in Explorable Ruins
Preventative Medicine Passive P2 First Aid Kit at start of the Town
Pro Camper Passive R1, R2, R4 Longer and safer Camping
Professional Photographer Active S2, S3, S4 Pre-war camera
Pro-Watchman Passive S1, S3, S4 More defense and survival for Watchmen
Refuser Active R3 One more search in Refuse
Rescue Heroic Action U1, U2, U3, U4 Allows to rescue and heal other Citizens
Resourcefulness Passive P1, P2, P3, P4 Several items at start of the Town
Second wind Heroic Action E1, E2, E3, E4 Allows to get extra and
Seeker Heroic Action R1, R2, R3, R4 Allows to find a useful item
Sweet Revenge Passive R2, R3 Vials of Poison and Toxin if Shunned
Treachery Active S4 Steal from Citizens who are in Town
Vicious Uppercut Heroic Action E1, E2, E3, E4 Allows to kill Zombies, get Control

External links[edit]