Home decoration

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Sprucing up your home with some memorabilia from the good old days... Home decoration points are the score for having home decoration objects and furniture in your house. Objects in your inventory are not counted. When you die, your Home's decoration score, based on which items you have in your house, is converted into Decoration distinctions at 1:1 ratio (3:1 in Private Towns). The score is given by the town's Committee for the Upkeep of Neat and Tastefully-decorated Shacks, formerly known as the Working Association for Nice Kept Shacks.

Unlike home defenses and upgrades, home decoration does not contribute to the town at all and is not necessary. Many people prefer to end their towns without taking the time to decorate their homes. It's also important to make it clear that not all furniture pieces serve for this purpose. Furniture like the Wad of Cash serve solely for the purpose of decorating. Others, like the Beer Fridge, can give decoration points but are better used for other purposes, like weapons or construction materials. Other furniture items, like the Padlock and Chain are merely functional and don't provide decoration points. Finally, some items provide more decoration points only if they are assembled, like the Mini HI-Fi (Broken), or powered with a Battery. This is considered a waste of materials by most other citizens.

All Items[edit]

Object Icon Score Blurb Notes Usefulness to town survival
Bedside Lamp (off) 1 It's a nice bedside lamp, but it won't work without a new battery... Requires a Battery to become Bedside Lamp (on) VARYING- Watchmen weapon
Bedside Lamp (on) 3 With a bedside lamp, you'll be less scared at night so you'll sleep better. Requires a Battery. Battery is drained every night. NONE, no Watchmen value and uses up a battery.
Mini HI-Fi (Broken) 1 A busted low-budget stereo system. Nonetheless, it's a shame when all it needs is a battery... Requires a Battery and an Electronic component to repair. NONE- only decoration.
Mini HiFi (on) 10 As this uses up a Battery and an Electronic component , you might be Shunned fast for making it. NONE- only decoration, and uses vital ressources!
Doormat 5 It'll be nice to wipe your feet on something clean for a change. Medium Value decoration item. NONE- only decoration.
Persian Rug 10 This lets you cover up all the nastiness which now adorns your floor... High Value decoration item. VARYING- Watchmen Weapon
Rocking Chair 5 ZZzzzz... Creak... ZZzzzz... Creeeeak... A result of opening a Flatpacked Furniture. VARYING- Watchmen Weapon
Wad of Cash 7 Your home looks better when you splash the cash and decorate with dinero... Medium value decoration item. NONE- only decoration.
Assault Rifle (unloaded) 15 A modified, more compact version of the AK-47, probably destined to "civilian" use... not the most accurate gun though... watch out for "friendly fire" ! Needs Handful of Bullets to be used as a weapon (not implemented yet). NONE- only decoration.
Revolver (unloaded) (empty) 5 A handgun: A model P-22, reknowned[sic] for its reliability and precision. It's totally worthless without bullets though... Needs Handful of Bullets to be used as a weapon (not implemented yet). NONE- only decoration.
PC Base Unit 3 This old metal box used to be full of electronic components. It doesn't seem to have any obvious use now... Can be used as a weapon. VARYING- Watchmen Weapon, weapon
Ektorp-Gluten Chair 2 A fairly normal chair, with a particularly brutal sounding Swedish name. You could hit people with it, but it works far better for the task it was designed for. Send it home Happy... send it home. Can be used as a weapon, can open Toolboxes and Food Parcels, needed for Meat Locker.Result of opening a Flatpacked Furniture. VARYING- Watchmen Weapon, Meat Locker, weapon
Quality Log 2 A decent log which could be used as a stool. Look - it's better than nothing... Can be converted to a Twisted Plank in the Workshop. LOW- a Rotting Log is better, as it is not heavy.
Radio Cassette Player 2 An old transistor radio with a Belle and Sebastian cassette stuck in it. The radio itself is useless as it doesn't pick up anything up these days... It's always better to be able to listen to some good music at home than to listen your neighbours screams as they are devoured by zombies. Better crank it up ! Will only give Decoration Points if combined with a Battery. Used in several Watchtower constructions ( Upgraded Map and Scanner). VARYING- Normally, the Citizen's Welcome Packs provided at towns start contain enough to not need any extra brought into town.
Beer Fridge 2 A magical box which keeps the Britneys cool. I suppose it could also be used for other things though. It doesn't work anymore, but maybe if you take it apart you might find something of use... Can be used by a Hero to build a Level 4 Kitchen and is usable as a weapon. HIGH- Watchmen Weapon, Weapon, and needed for Kitchen.
Carcinogenic Oven 2 Legends state that microwave technology was one of the reasons for the decline of civilisation. Some also say that the existence of zombies isn't unrelated. Can be used by a Hero to build a Level 3 Kitchen and is usable as a weapon. HIGH- Watchmen Weapon, Weapon, and needed for Kitchen.
Old Washing Machine 2 An old machine for washing dirty linen and clothing. An artefact from days gone by when civilisations considered cleanliness to be next to godliness (of paramount importance). Nowadays that just seems ridiculous... Can be used by a Hero to build a Level 1 Home Laboratory (AKA Drug Lab) and is usable as a weapon. HIGH- Watchmen Weapon, Weapon, and needed for Home Laboratory.
Fat Cat 5 He's really cute, makes your house more homely and can just about fight a zombie. And if you get really hungry... Can be turned into two Tasty-looking Steaks at the Butcher and is usable as a weapon. MEDIUM- Watchmen Weapon, Weapon, food source.
Cafetière 5 The ultimate weapon to awaken the sleeping adventurer within you. Its unique filtration system allows you to make great coffee from the most surprising ingredients... Can be used to produce Bloody Hot Coffee. Must be repaired first. HIGH- Bloody Hot Coffee. Only one per town is needed, though!
Trestle 1 A pretty solid trestle which can be used to improve your home defences or those of the town. Defensive object (+1 home Defence). Result of opening a Flatpacked Furniture. MEDIUM- Defensive object, HIGH in endgame (home defense). bad Watchmen weapon.
Järpen Table 3 Held together entirely with elastic bands and wedges of wood, this table would look great in your "living room". Also, if you place it upright, it could even save your life... Defensive object (+1 home Defence), needed for vital constructions! Result of opening a Flatpacked Furniture. HIGH- vital Constructions! Defensive object, endgame (home defense), medium Watchmen weapon.
Novelty Torch (2 charges) 5
Novelty Torch (1 charge) 5
Novelty Torch (off) 5
Empty Vending Machine 4
Hastily-built desk 2
Chuck Figurine 15
Britney CD 3
The Best of the King CD 7
Phil Collins CD 1
Impersonal Exploding Doormat 5
Anti-personnel HiFi 10
Cursed HiFi 10
Rock 'n' Roll HiFi 10
Mattress 3 ZZzzzz... Shhhhhh... ZZzzzz... Shhhhhh... Defensive object (+1 home Defence), needed for level 3 Siesta Time™ HIGH- level 3 Siesta Time™! Defensive Object, endgame (home defense), one of the strongest Watchmen weapons.
Teddy Bear 8 A small plush teddy bear which would have been a child's pride and joy... once upon a time... Can cure Terrorised. HIGH- makes Valium Shot and Pocket Vibrator (charged) Obsolete! one needed per town. RARE!
Cursed Cuddly Toy 1 A small plush teddy bear which would have been a child's pride and joy... or not... Causes Terrorised. NONE- negative effect.
Furious Kitten (partially digested) 1 A kitten which surely belonged a now-dead citizen. It seems pretty aggravated, maybe you shouldn't annoy it any more. Can be carved up and used as a weapon. VARYING- Weapon.
Makeshift Guitar 6 Once great for seducing the ladies while sitting in front of the campfire, they remain really popular despite the asexualization of the townsfolk. Far from a custom Les Paul '58 it may be, but it still brings joy and hope to the town. Who doesn't enjoy a sing-a-long? Can be used to generate Action Points once a day. HIGH- Used to generate 1 to 2 Action Points for every Citizen inside the Town . One needed per town. An endgame Watchmen weapon

See also[edit]