Upgraded Map

From MHWiki
[v·e] 1042 Upgraded Map
This simple electronic gadget increases the level of detail visible on the map of the World Beyond : the exact number of zombies in each zone can be clearly seen. Invaluable if you don't want to wander mindlessly into feeding time at the zombie zoo...
Category Buildings
Sub Category Watchtower buildings
Unlocked by Observation platform
Blueprint common
Effect See numbers in
Action Points cost 25
Resource cost ×2 ×5 ×1 ×1 ×2
Carte améliorée

Do you remember the good old times of playing that game Battleship? You choose a coordinate and hope you hit an enemy ship. Well, we're doing the same thing now, except we can't quite clear a zone even if the binoculars show it has something on it...


  • This building marks the exact number of zombies in each zone in the World Beyond, with 100% accuracy.
