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This topic is in need of spading and has automatically been added to the spading category for the following reason: Spade which items can be dropped/fed by escort and which items can't. The page was tagged by: Mazt 18:19, 16 November 2011 (PST)
Escort menu in-game.

When you just can't do it yourself, it's always nice to have someone there to bring you home. The Escort Mode allows you to be dragged along through the Desert by a Hero or the Guide to the World Beyond


  • While in the World Beyond, anyone can set themselves to "Wait for an escort".
    • The zone will register an entry
      [Citizen] has decided to wait for an escort...
    • By default the escortees cannot be taken further away from Town, only closer, unless marked otherwise.
    • By default an escort can not view the escortee's Inventory and drop items, unless marked otherwise.
  • While in the World Beyond, any Hero can escort up to four Citizens at once.
    • The following message appears:
      [Citizen] has agreed to follow you.
    • The zone will register an entry:
      [Hero] has convinced [Citizen] to follow them.
  • A Resident cannot escort others, and if attempted, he will receive the following message:
    Only Heroes have the skills needed to guide other citizens in the World Beyond...
  • Escortees will follow the leading Hero if possible, and contribute Control Points to the zone.
  • The Hero or Guide to the World Beyond can command his escortees to do the following actions:
    • Eat from items available in their inventory.
      • Food items with additional effects, such as Meaty Bones, cannot be fed to an escortee.
    • Drink from items available in their inventory.
    • Search any zone
    • Drop items in their inventory, although certain items cannot be dropped; see below.
  • The Hero can not command his escortees to do the following actions:
  • Escorts can see the and most Status Effects of escortees.
    • Ghoul status is invisible to escorts (or anybody else).

Restrictions to Inventory[edit]

Certain items in an escortee's inventory cannot dropped by the escort:


  • Stopping others from following is indicated by:
    • "Finally, [hero] decided to leave [citizen] there..." line in the zone register;
    • A pop-up reading "[Citizen] is no longer following you."
  • While being escorted, users cannot view the in-game map or their inventory, nor they can perform any actions on their own, except for leaving the escorting party, attacking others in the zone, gifting hero days, and (if they are a Ghoul) eating someone. Once an escortee leaves the party their interface is returned to normal.
What the interface looks like to a ghoul being escorted
  • When leaving escort mode, the text "[escortee] has finally decided to take back their independance." appears in the zone register.
  • As escortees can neither drop nor use weapons on command, any weapon in their inventory is useless to the escort party.
    • Batteries, however, can be carried and drop as ammo for battery launchers.
  • When you are escorting a citizen who has a Leg Injury, the following may happen:
    • There is a chance the movement will be failed. In this case all players in the escort party are prevented from moving and will stay in the same zone.
    • Only the Wounded citizen with leg injury will waste 1 . The rest will not.
    • The escorting player will receive a pop-up warning them that something went wrong, advising to address the issue.
    One or more of the citizens in your group cannot follow you. You will need to check out the situation... or leave the weak behind.
    • There will be a log in the zone registry:
    After only a few metres, [player name] fell to the ground with a yell! Their WOUNDED LEG is stopping them from leaving the sector!

External links[edit]