
From MHWiki
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The following is a list of all game updates and changes.

Season 13 (4.7) - Enter the Sandman (April 26, 2016)[edit]

See Season 13 for details.

Season 12 (4.6) - Mysterious Season (December 7, 2015)[edit]

See Season 12 for details.

Season 11 (4.5) - Save Our Souls! (April 1, 2015)[edit]

See Season 11 for details.

Season 10 (4.4) - Dev's Not Dead (September 22, 2014)[edit]

See Season 10 for details.

Season 9 (4.3) - La Villa Nostra (March 8, 2014)[edit]

Season 9: La Villa Nostra started on March 8, 2014. See Season 9 for details.

Patches (April 4, 2014)[edit]

The watchmen system is patched and simplified, together with some bugfixes. See Season 9#April 4.2C 2014 for details.

Seasion 8 (4.2) - Sleight of Hand (August 8, 2013)[edit]

Season 8: Sleight of Hand started on August 8, 2013.

There were some changes made during the season 8, like the watchmen system. However there was no announcement of gameplay changes.

See Season 8 for details.

Season 7 (4.1) - Insidious Bugs[edit]

8th March, 2013[edit]

  • New Roleplay texts have been added: (list to be added)
  • Watchmen bug fixes:
    • Fixed the Watchmen entering/leaving watch without selection.
    • Certain objects collected for use in a watch or otherwise occasionally disappeared without giving the correct defensive bonus.
    • Objects in chests didn't disappear after a watch.
    • The defense taking into account the statuses of the watchmen is worked out prior to the attack.
  • Construction Sites changes:
    • The Great Moat is no longer a temporary construction.
    • The Gallows is no longer a temporary construction.
    • The Meat Locker no longer requirements blueprints (instead of [unchecked rarity] blueprint).
    • The Water Turrets now gives a 20% bonus to all water weapons used during the nights watch.
    • The Catapult now gives a 20% bonus for animals used, and also stops watchmen becoming terrified during a watch.
  • Blueprints: Ruins in the World Beyond now offer more plans to citizens righteous enough to explore their darkest corners.
  • Ghoul changes:
  • "Picto Hunters": Certain Hordes players exploited a glitch involving searching distant ruins for distinctions, committing suicide with cyanide or dehydration, and immediately reincarnate into a new town with the gained distinctions. These players are ineligible for the new distinction: Good Guy.
    • The exploited glitch only occurred on Hordes, and so this section is irrelevant to Die2Nite and should not have been included.

Season 6 (4.0) - Death Watch[edit]

19th December, 2012[edit]

5th November, 2012[edit]

  • Unforgiving Wastelands: The chance of finding something to eat or drink in the World Beyond will diminish as time goes on. Nobody can resist the relentless onslaught from the World Beyond forever, once your town has been devastated, alia iacta est!
  • Ghoul added:
    • New Status.
    • "Partially infected" citizens who can eat any Citizen to gain 1 Hero day and 7.
    • Must consume a human or flesh related products, or die from hunger. See the page for more information.
  • Watchmen added:
    • Any citizen can opt in to provide for the town, at the expense of being wounded, terrorized or eaten.
    • Every citizen has a base 95% chance of survival, 10% chance of injury or getting terrorized, and can block 10 zombies. Being a Hero, having items or certain statuses affect the defence a citizen can provide, and their chances of survival.

Season 5 (3.2) - Shamanic Monday[edit]

6th July, 2012[edit]

  • Bug fixes:
    • Heroic spirit image on the Soul Page has been updated with an English-translated line, reading "Heroic Spirit" once again.

29th June, 2012[edit]

8th June, 2012 - Open Sesame! Close automatically![edit]

  • Brothers in Arms issue has been resolved by giving all of the player base two free hero days. In turn, Hero mode triggered made any Armageddon Witness able to use up one day that could not be used since 2nd April, preventing from successful use of Brothers in Arms.

24th May, 2012 - Zombie Attack![edit]

  • Changes to Brothers in Arms.
  • Changes to Lost Soul:
  • Further adjustments to Soul Pages:
    • New night background to accommodate the blue Twinoid profile box for it to cause less of an impact on the overall picture. In fact, the page already was linking to this background, albeit the file proper was missing, similar to some of other Season 5 content.
  • An assortment of bug fixes:
    • Aimless Souls deposited in The Bank are now being accounted in the town's score correctly.
    • Involuntarily page refresh issue has been addressed.
    • All missing graphic files (icons, etc.) by far have been brought back.

3rd May, 2012 - Flying Soul-o![edit]

  • Improvements of Shaman:
    • Once per day, the Shaman can heal any type of injury or status. However, there's a chance the healing won't work, or that the status is transferred to the Shaman.
    • The Shaman can use an Weak Soul and 1 to cause rain to fall on the Town or on any part of the World Beyond to increase water supply or purify the area and eliminate some zombies, respectively.
    • Soul locations can be pin-pointed for others to see.
  • Improvements of Lost Soul:
  • Further adjustments to Soul Pages:
    • Instead of a list, Distinctions are now being displayed as thumbnails with tool-tips, similar to the old soul pages. They still do not show if a distinction has titles to unlock or not, though. In addition, the ever criticised scroll bar is still in place.
    • Vanilla Twinoid colour scheme is switched to the one matching Die2Nite more.
  • Improvements of Forums:
    • Town forum posts now display Locations correctly: "in town or at the gates" instead of "[0,0]".
    • Town forum posts now display Jobs next to locations.
    • Roleplay threads have been returned.
    • Roleplay tags are beige again, instead of white. Safari users have reported a delay in fixing the issue with their browsers.
    • :hordes_shaman: emoticon has been added, albeit lacking the graphic file proper.
    • :chaussette: emoticon has been brought back, albeit lacking the graphic file proper.
  • An assortment of bug fixes:

26th April, 2012[edit]

  • Further adjustments to Soul Pages:
    • Instead of the ascending alphabetical order, Distinctions have been partially made to follow rarity and score in descending order.
    • A separate list of unlocked icons and titles has been implemented, categorised under corresponding distinctions and displaying the approximate (rounded) Twinoid score granted for each icon and title unlocked. Titles' tool-tips display score requirements of acquisition.
  • An assortment of bug fixes:

12th April, 2012[edit]

  • New game mechanic
  • New hero profession
  • New items
  • New constructions
  • Non-distant town changes for players with soul score over 100
    • No distinctions will be awarded before day 8. The exceptions are 'bad' distinctions for deaths, punishments, etc.
    • If a town is comprised with at least 20 players with soul score below 100, the experienced players gain a special distinction for helping the town to survive past day 8.
  • Profession changes
  • Construction Sites changes
    • Garbage Dump now requires a Construction Blueprint (common) instead of none.
    • New dump blueprints now increase the number of given by the corresponding resources.
      • Ironically, all dump upgrades have ended up under Pits, a temporary construction that requires rare items in order to be built.
  • New Distinctions
  • New Leaderboard
    • Private Towns are now being ranked separately.
    • Soul Score rankings are now sortable by season, they can still show results of all seasons combined.
    • The global ranking now displays all points gained from Lost Soul collected.
  • New Forums. After integration with Twinoid, native Die2Nite forums have been replaced with the ones of new design with an updated and improved code. New features include:
    • Editing own posts no later than 10 minutes after posting, unless somebody makes another post before then.
    • Customizable searching by keywords and users, sorted by date and relevance, and optionally grouped by subject.
    • Following threads.
    • Liking threads.
    • Universal customizable Twinoid titles instead of pre-set Die2Nite-specific ones.
    • Enhanced formatting:
      • Quotation retains original formatting of the person quoted.
      • The link tag can now be applied to text requiring only the link to be pasted.
      • The side note tag with lowered font size and indentation.
      • The roleplay tag can be entitled.
      • The player tag that creates a specified twinoid user tab.
      • Support of unordered lists. A line needs to be started with a space and an asterisk. Next points can be indented according to one's need with multiple spaces put before the asterisk, the first point of the list, however, cannot be indented beyond the base level. A list is broken by a blank line.
      • Standard emoticon base is extended with any icons the player unlocks in Twinoid-supported games, as well as standard Twinoid v1, Twinoid v2, DinoRPG and AlphaBounce sets.
      • ...
    • Roleplay tags modifications:
      • 4-, 6-, 8-, 10-, 12-, 20- and 100-side dice.
      • New letter, consonant and vowel tags that draw a random letter in the group.
      • Removal of the resident tag, presumably temporary.
    • ...
  • Soul Page changes
    • After integration of forums with twinoid, distinctions are being displayed the same way as on Twinoid profile pages under statistics. The titles are only viewable in the 'change community title' dialogue.
    • ...
  • Another shovelful of updates:
    • The zombie Attack curve has been revised
    • New titles to unlock

Season 4 (3.1) - Going Underground[edit]

2nd April, 2012[edit]

Following the technical failure caused by the last undocumented update, Epoq has issued compensation to all the players who had logged into Twinoid on the weekend following 30 March 2012, regardless of their status at the time.

March, 2012[edit]

16th March, 2012[edit]

New items for the Saint Patrick's Day:

New distinctions:

16:00 (ZT), 1st December, 2011[edit]

16:00 (ZT), 15th November, 2011[edit]

100. Abandoned Bunker
101. Abandoned Hotel
102. Abandoned Hospital
126. Spy Flare
270. Bloody Dressing
277. Cursed Cuddly Toy
321. Magnetic Key
322. Bump Key
323. Bottle Opener
324. Magnetic Key Blank
325. Bump Key Blank
326. Bottle Opener Blank
  • Scavenger upgrade, extra oxygen in abandoned buildings.
  • Construction site balancing
    • Water Purifier, resource cost of nuts and bolts was lowered from ×5 to ×1.
    • Water Filter, material cost was changed from ×10 ×2 ×1 to ×15 ×3 ×2 ×1.
    • Mines, the rose from 110 to 115, cost rose from 25 to 50.
    • Cinema, the blueprint changed from rare to very rare! (confirm).
    • Labyrinth, the number of planks required fell from ×40 to ×20.
    • Lighthouse, the blueprint changed from rare to uncommon (confirm). The number of ECs required fell from ×3 to ×2.
    • Water Catcher, the amount of iron required fell from ×2 to ×1.
    • No Holes Barred, ×2 is no longer part of the resource cost (confirm).
    • False Town, the cost dropped from 600 to 300, the dropped from 245 to 200, and the resource cost changed from ×30 ×25 ×10 to ×20 ×10 ×6.
    • Faucet, resource cost of nuts and bolts was lowered from ×4 to ×2.
    • Hydraulic Network, the resource cost of nuts and bolts dropped from ×5 to ×3
    • Saniflow Macerator, decreased from 55 to 50.
    • Central Laboratory, the resource cost of Pharmaceutical Products dropped from ×10 to ×5.
    • Central Cafeteria, the resource cost was lowered from ×5 ×1 ×2 ×2 to ×5 ×1 ×1 ×1.
    • Infirmary, the materials changed from ×5 to ×5.
    • Factory, had its name changed from Small Factory, and it is now a provided blueprint in all towns. It no longer costs ×3 and uses ×1 instead.
    • Wooden Fencing, resource cost of nuts and bolts was lowered from ×5 to ×2 and the dropped from 20 to 15.
    • Water Turrets, cost increased from 60 to 80, Water Ration cost dropped from ×60 to ×40.
    • Searchtower, material cost increased to include ×1.
    • Eden Project, the semtex requirement dropped from ×5 to ×2.
    • Zombie-shredder, the nuts and bolts cost dropped from ×5 to ×3.
    • Hot Air Balloon, the materials cost lowered from ×5 ×5 ×6 ×4 to ×5 ×5 ×4 ×2.
    • Defensive Focus, the nuts and bolts cost decreased from ×6 to ×3.
    • Home Laboratory success rates were lowered for levels 1-3.
  • Bug fixes
    • Bug in the Garbage Dump.
    • Problem with the Wall Upgrade construction projects.
    • Bug allowing the town to survive only using personal defences.
    • Display bug affecting the location on SOS message posts.
    • Display bug involving Heroic Actions at the Town Gates.
    • Hero day gift bug.
    • Water Turret descriptions updated.
    • And more...
  • Item changes
  • New emoticons
    • :iloveu:

Season 3 (2.0) - A Chemical Necromancy[edit]

17th August, 2011[edit]

  • The Pre-war camera (4 charges) is fixed to properly unlock in someones soul if their total purchased (not used) hero time is 6 months or greater.

16:00 (ZT), 21st July, 2011[edit]

New features[edit]


  • Attack algorithm changed. Fewer zombies than before up to day 15, more after. Open gates less devastating.
  • Heroic Return range decreased from 15 km to 11 km.
  • Defence objects now only contribute 1 defence to the town instead of 2, Defensive focus upgrades add .2 defence to Defence objects instead of .7 or 1.2.
  • Guardians in town for the attack now add 5 defence instead of 1, certain buildings improve this.
  • Scouts can tell what building is located in uncleared zones.
  • Local towns start with a few buildings already built and receive automatic building suggestions.
  • Dictator allows heroes to make building recommendations.
  • Distant towns are now limited to 20 coalition members or heroes - other 20 members must be filled in by random solo players (regular, non-distant towns have a limit of 30). This was known as the "Meta Cap".
  • After 5 days without logging in, players are automatically made unavailable in their coalition.
  • Camping success rates are reduced when not camping in a building, but successfully camping in a special zone automatically grants a blueprint (what blueprint depends on the distance of the building - farther buildings grant better blueprints), only the first successful camping at a building will generate a blueprint.
  • Defence icon changed from to .
  • Renamed some of the cooking titles.
  • Item changes
    • Renamed Pocket Vibrator to Big Rubber D***
    • Water Purifying Tablets no longer produce 2-6 rations, they now produce 1-2.
  • Housing upgrades have changed cost, they previously used 2 and some resources. Houses provide 40% to the town now down from 50%
    • Hovel is 6 and no longer uses a plank
    • Shack is 4 , uses 1 plank instead of 2, and it provides 6 up from 4
    • House is 6 , uses 1 iron instead of 2, no longer uses a plank, and it provides 10 up from 6
    • Fort renamed to Air-Raid Shelter, is 6 , uses 3 planks instead of 2, requires construction of the Builders' Merchant, no longer uses an old door, and it provides 14 up from 8
    • Stronghold is 7 , and provides 20 up from 12
    • Nuclear Bunker is 7 , uses 3 handful of nuts and bolts instead of 5, uses 1 sheet metal parts instead of 2
    • Level 3 lab can only create 1 drug per day, level 4 lab can create 4 drugs per day
    • Level 4 lab now requires an engine instead of vodka
  • Many buildings must now be unlocked with blueprints and have changed cost
    • Construction of the Workshop no longer uses a ×1, Workshop upgrade changed from 7% cost reduction to 5% cost reduction per level
    • Pump now only provides 5 water instead of 10 when built, pump upgrades also provide half the previous amounts (needs confirmation - Pump upgrade 1 still says it adds 20 rations to the well)
    • Great pit dropped from 20 to 10 and the description changed slightly
    • Great Wall Strengthening was renamed to Wall Upgrade v1. The defence provided was increased from 7 to 10. The icon changed from the generic to .
    • The Construction Diary was renamed Building Registry
    • Screaming Saws image changed from to , and the defence value increased from 40 to 45.
    • Barricades were renamed to Wooden Fencing, the image changed from to , and the dropped from 25 to 20
    • Plumbing was renamed to Faucet, the image changed from to
    • Barbs were renamed to Barbed Wire, the image changed from to , and the defence dropped from 9 to 5. The description changed slightly
    • Stone Cannon was renamed the Rock Cannon, the image changed from to , and fell from 60 to 25.
    • Breaker was renamed to War Mill and fell from 12 to 10
    • False town image changed from to , the rose from 210 to 245 and the resources required changed from ×25 ×20 ×20 ×10 to ×30 ×25 ×10
    • Armour Plating was renamed Reinforced Gates, and dropped from 12 to 5
    • Cost of the predictor dropped from ×2 to ×1 and the scanner is not required anymore
    • Moat was renamed the Great Moat, the image changed from to . increased from 45 to 65 (confirm).
    • Spiked Pit image changed from to , reduced from 50 to 25, the description was altered slightly.
    • Sturdy Gallows were retired and replaced by Gallows, bringing back the original resource cost and a slight cost raise from 12 to 13 . The Gallows retain the description of the Sturdy Gallows and still remain after use.
    • Water Purifier was changed from giving 5-9 Water rations per jerrycan, to 1-3 Water rations per jerrycan. The cost rose from 50 to 75, and the resource cost rose from ×5 ×8 ×1 to ×5 ×6 ×5 ×3.
    • Mega Pump was renamed to Mechanical Pump, the image was replaced with , required resources dropped from ×15 ×15 ×4 ×3 to ×10 ×15, was reduced from 170 to 70, and water provided dropped from 150 to 50 rations.
    • Razor Wall was renamed Grater
    • Ramparts was renamed to Wall Upgrade v2, the image was replaced with and increased from 5 to 20.
    • Portal Lock no longer provides 2
    • Cannon Mounds raised from 10 to 15.
    • Emergency Supplies rose from 5 to 10.
    • Zombie Grater image changed from to , and decreased from 75 to 65.
    • Old School Traps fell from 30 to 25.
    • Vegetable Plot no longer depends upon the water purifier.
    • Automatic Sprinklers image was replaced with , rose from 95 to 135.
    • Rubbish Heap was renamed to Garbage Heap and fell from 10 to 5.
    • Perforator was renamed Railgun, the image changed from to . increased from 45 to 55.
    • Upgradable Wall was renamed to Evolutive Wall. Blurb was changed slightly.
    • Foundations resource cost changed from ×8, ×5 and ×2 to ×10, ×8.
    • Waterminefield was renamed Mines, the image changed from to , the increased from 75 to 110, and the water use dropped from ×20 to ×10.
    • Uberwall rose from 70 to 80.
    • Hydraulic Network was renamed Workshop, and the image was replaced with
    • Saniflo Macerator was renamed Saniflow Macerator, the image changed from to , increased from 45 to 50.
    • Explodage was renamed Bomb Factory, the image changed from to , and the description changed slightly
    • Well Drilling Rig was renamed Drilling Rig.
    • Piston-Lock was renamed Automatic Piston Lock.
    • Lure was renamed Bait, the resource cost increased from ×1 to ×3, and the increased from 10 to 50. The image changed from to .
    • Primitive Catapult were renamed to Catapult. The description changed slightly
    • Plate Gun image changed from to and increased from 50 to 60.
    • Mount Killaman-jaro increased from 50 to 60
    • Emergency Defences was renamed Wood Plating, and fell from 40 to 10
    • Pressure Washer was renamed Boiling Fog, the image changed from to , fell from 50 to 35.
    • Baited Trap was renamed Pits, the image changed from to , fell from 45 to 20.
    • Spike Trap was renamed Spikes, the image changed from to , fell from 25 to 15.
    • Guerilla Tactics was renamed Guerilla Traps, the image changed from to , fell from 45 to 35.

Season 2 (1.2) - Rise of the Labradoodle[edit]

16:00? (ZT), 27 April 2011

16:00 (ZT), 20 April 2011

Season 1 (1.1) - Hang 'em high![edit]

17 January 2011

  • New rankings
  • Gallows implemented
  • Rusty Chain now an 'important' item (taken from the posession of a citizen when they are shunned)

Season 0 (1.0) - Let's get it on! (Old towns)[edit]


25 December 2010 The following updates were added only to towns alive on christmas day and remained for the life of that town.

1 December 2010

Beta phase[edit]

1 November 2010

  • No changes (first version of the game!)

See also[edit]

External links[edit]

Category:Concepts Category:Gameplay