Giant BRD

From MHWiki
[v·e] 129Giant BRD
A frighteningly BRD on which the names of all the town residents are engraved. Pointing majestically towards the sky like... euh... A BRD. Nobody knows why, but someone has engraved, "Propiété de la Nuit Profonde" on the base. This wonder shines by the light of its uselessness alone: its construction earns a rare distinction for all citizens still in town.
Sub CategoryFoundations buildings
Unlocked by Foundations
Action Points cost 300
Resource cost ×30 ×2
PMV géant
Riesiger KVF
Revised for Season 17

At least it kept your town busy. A Giant Big Rubber Dick.


  • The Giant BRD must have been unlocked with a blueprint:
  • The Foundations must have been completed.
  • The following resources must be in The Bank and will be used up after completion:
  • Citizens must spend 300 to complete the building.



v · e Buildings
Defensive Wall Abject Panic • Armour Plating • Armour Plating v2 • Armour Plating v3 • Automatic Piston Lock • Bait • Barbed Wire • Bomb Factory • Concrete Reinforcement • Emergency Supplies • Evolutive Wall • Extrawall • Frat House • Great Moat • Great Pit • Guerilla Traps • Inner Wall • Last-Minute Lock • Metal Patches • Mount Killaman-Jaro • Old-school traps • Pits • Plywood • Portal Lock • Reinforced Gates • Rubbish Heap • Saniflow Macerator • Scavenger's Gallery • Screaming Saws • Shredder Wall • Slip 'n' Slide • Small Fence • Spiked pit • Spiked Wall • Spikes • Third Wall • Überwall • Ventilation System • Wall Upgrade v2 • War Mill • Wood Plating • Wooden Fencing • Zombie-shredder
Pump Acid Spray • Apple Tree • Boiling Fog • Decon Shower • Drilling Rig • Divining Rocket • Divining Rods • Eden Project • Faucet • Fertilizer • Gas Gun • Grapeboom • Grenade Launcher • Hydraulic Network • Mechanical Pump • Mines • Mist Spray • Nature area of the Survivalists • No Holes Barred • Ravaged pumpkins • Scarecrows • Shooting Gallery • Shower • Sluice • Sprinkler System • Vaporiser • Vegetable Plot • Vita-Mines • Water Catcher • Water Filter • Water Purifier • Water Turrets
Workshop Abbatoir • Altar • Building Registry • Butcher • Central Cafeteria • Central Laboratory • Cremato-Cue • Defensive Adjustment • Factory • Gallows ( Chocolate Cross during Easter event) • Henhouse • Meat Locker • Ministry of Slavery • People’s Court • Pigsty • Small Café • Technicians Workbench
Watchtower Battlements • Brutal Cannon • Cannon Mounds • Catapult • Filtering gutters • Guard Tower • Guardroom • Lighthouse • Manual grinder • Miniature Armory • Observation platform • Pet Shop • Plate Gun • Predictor • Public lights • Railgun • Rock Cannon • Scanner • Scouts Lair • Searchtower • Small Trebuchet • Swedish Workshop • Tamer Experiment Center • Upgraded Catapult • Upgraded Map
Foundations Air Strike • All or Nothing • Bonfire • Buzzard's Wonder Wheel • Cinema • Community Involvement • Defensive Focus • Dump Upgrade • False Town • Firework Foray • Fortifications • Garbage Dump • Giant BRD • Giant Sandcastle • Hot Air Balloon • Labyrinth • Organized Dump • Reactor • The Big Rebuild • Underground city • Urban plan
Sanctuary Architect’s Study • Blue Gold Thermal baths • Builder’s Merchant • Coffin Catapult • Crow Statue • Hammam • Holy Raincloud (Private Towns) • Infirmary • Pool • Small Cemetary • Soul Purifying Source • Spirit Mirage (Private Towns) • Sword of Bokor (Private Towns) • XXL Voodoo Doll (Private Towns)