
From MHWiki
[v·e] 122Altar
Just because the Crow is good and just, this shrine in its honour liberates all citizens that have been shunned from the town.
Sub CategoryWorkshop buildings
Unlocked by Building Registry
Effect Unbans all
Action Points cost 24
Resource cost ×3 ×2 ×1
Autel de la rédemption
Revised for Season 17

In honor of the Crow, when this Altar is built and a humble sacrifice is made, all shunned citizens have their status revoked, regain privileges of citizenship, and are granted a second chance to prove their usefulness in work for the common goals. Glory to The Crow!


  • The Altar must have been unlocked with a blueprint:
  • The Building Registry must have been completed.
  • The following resources must be in The Bank and will be used up after completion:
  • Citizens must spend 24 to complete the building.


  • Revokes banishment of all Shunned Citizens.
    • This is different from Insurrections, which shuns all other citizens.
  • Removes all anonymous complaints.


  • The Altar can be a useful tool for Griefers, as any shunned griefers will be able to cause more havoc once it gets built; the construction itself is relatively easy and cheap: it only requires 24 , and it consumes one Stinking Pig, which is worth 24 as food if carved at the Butcher.
    • It is important to note that organised griefing is against the rules and can be reported, as it is assumed that people unshunning the griefers are working together with the griefers.


v · e Buildings
Defensive Wall Abject Panic • Armour Plating • Armour Plating v2 • Armour Plating v3 • Automatic Piston Lock • Bait • Barbed Wire • Bomb Factory • Concrete Reinforcement • Emergency Supplies • Evolutive Wall • Extrawall • Frat House • Great Moat • Great Pit • Guerilla Traps • Inner Wall • Last-Minute Lock • Metal Patches • Mount Killaman-Jaro • Old-school traps • Pits • Plywood • Portal Lock • Reinforced Gates • Rubbish Heap • Saniflow Macerator • Scavenger's Gallery • Screaming Saws • Shredder Wall • Slip 'n' Slide • Small Fence • Spiked pit • Spiked Wall • Spikes • Third Wall • Überwall • Ventilation System • Wall Upgrade v2 • War Mill • Wood Plating • Wooden Fencing • Zombie-shredder
Pump Acid Spray • Apple Tree • Boiling Fog • Decon Shower • Drilling Rig • Divining Rocket • Divining Rods • Eden Project • Faucet • Fertilizer • Gas Gun • Grapeboom • Grenade Launcher • Hydraulic Network • Mechanical Pump • Mines • Mist Spray • Nature area of the Survivalists • No Holes Barred • Ravaged pumpkins • Scarecrows • Shooting Gallery • Shower • Sluice • Sprinkler System • Vaporiser • Vegetable Plot • Vita-Mines • Water Catcher • Water Filter • Water Purifier • Water Turrets
Workshop Abbatoir • Altar • Building Registry • Butcher • Central Cafeteria • Central Laboratory • Cremato-Cue • Defensive Adjustment • Factory • Gallows ( Chocolate Cross during Easter event) • Henhouse • Meat Locker • Ministry of Slavery • People’s Court • Pigsty • Small Café • Technicians Workbench
Watchtower Battlements • Brutal Cannon • Cannon Mounds • Catapult • Filtering gutters • Guard Tower • Guardroom • Lighthouse • Manual grinder • Miniature Armory • Observation platform • Pet Shop • Plate Gun • Predictor • Public lights • Railgun • Rock Cannon • Scanner • Scouts Lair • Searchtower • Small Trebuchet • Swedish Workshop • Tamer Experiment Center • Upgraded Catapult • Upgraded Map
Foundations Air Strike • All or Nothing • Bonfire • Buzzard's Wonder Wheel • Cinema • Community Involvement • Defensive Focus • Dump Upgrade • False Town • Firework Foray • Fortifications • Garbage Dump • Giant BRD • Giant Sandcastle • Hot Air Balloon • Labyrinth • Organized Dump • Reactor • The Big Rebuild • Underground city • Urban plan
Sanctuary Architect’s Study • Blue Gold Thermal baths • Builder’s Merchant • Coffin Catapult • Crow Statue • Hammam • Holy Raincloud (Private Towns) • Infirmary • Pool • Small Cemetary • Soul Purifying Source • Spirit Mirage (Private Towns) • Sword of Bokor (Private Towns) • XXL Voodoo Doll (Private Towns)