Scavenger's Gallery

From MHWiki
[v·e] Scavenger's Gallery
Galleries dug deep by the Scavengers directly from the Great Pit, to excavate areas never before exploited. Hopefully they'll find some interesting stuff there!
Category Buildings
Sub Category Wall Upgrade v1 buildings
Unlocked by Great Pit
Blueprint rare
Effect with at
Action Points cost 30
Resource cost ×1 ×3 ×1
Galeries des Fouineurs
Galería de los Excavadores

People really haven't been cleaning their houses properly. It's got to the point there's so much junk our scavengers consider them to be a treasure trove!


  • Allows citizens to dig at Home, giving a random item.
    • It costs 1 for Scavengers, they can perform the action 3 times per day.
    • It costs 2 for all others, they can perform the action once a day.
  • Finding chances and findings are the same like on a normal replenished zone in the World Beyond.


In Season 16: