Wood Plating

From MHWiki
[v·e] 1012 Wood Plating
We reinforce everything we can with a few planks of wood and we cross our fingers that it holds up at night.
Category Buildings
Sub Category Wall Upgrade v1 buildings
Unlocked by Emergency Supplies
Defence 40
Action Points cost 20
Resource cost ×6
Renforts d’urgence

You know, plating... made of Wood.


  • Building it gives 40 to the Town.
    • As this is a temporary building, this structure will only last one Night and be demolished during The Attack.


  • In Season 3:
    • Emergency Defences was renamed Wood Plating.
    • The provided fell from 40 to 10.
  • In Season 6:
    • The provided was increased from 10 to 40.