Water Purifier

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[v·e] 1020 Water Purifier
Converts water from Jerrycans found in the desert into drinkable water.
Category Buildings
Sub Category Pump buildings
Unlocked by Pump
Water 1-3 per
Action Points cost 75
Resource cost ×5 ×5 ×1 ×2 ×2
Unlocks See list

I doubt anyone would have drank it otherwise.



  • In Season 3:
    • The Water Purifier was changed from giving 5-9 Water rations per Full Jerrycan, to 1-3 rations.
    • The cost rose from 50 to 75, and the required resources rose from ×5 ×8 ×1, to ×5 ×6 ×5 ×3.
  • In Season 4:
    • The resource cost was lowered from ×5, to ×1.
  • In Season 16:
    • Resource cost changed from ×5 ×6 ×1 ×3, to ×5 ×5 ×1 ×2 ×2.