Main Page/draft

Revision as of 19:29, 29 August 2011 by imported>Discordance
Welcome to the Die2Nite wiki,
The ultimate source of information about Die2Nite.
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Much of the content here is copyright motiontwin
301 articles in British English
New Site

Please bear with us as we continue to update for MyHordes.

If you are an admin at any of the previous sites, please contact user:isaaclw.

New and old editors: join our chatroom to learn about editing, or general help regarding the wiki.


17th November 2023, Update 2.0.0 - Resurgence, revamped Construction Sites, more Building upgrades, lots of changes, job buildings (e.g. Technicians Workbench) and a new Wonder; reworked Watchmen system, changed values for Guard Weapons; Explorable Ruins with second floor and changed building sets from Explorable Ruins Blueprints; limited spots for Campers on Ruins, less water; but we won't complain, after all, we are all Heroes...

1st April 2015, Update 4.5 - Save our Souls, return of shamans, and other soul balancing.
7th March 2013, Update 4.1 - Insidious Bugs, fixed glitches and tweaked stats related to the newly introduced Watchmen and Ghoul, and adjusted the stats of certain buildings at Construction Sites.
5th November 2012, Season 6 (4.0) - Death Watch, introduced the Watchmen and Ghoul, and tweaked the stats of many buildings at Construction Sites.
12th April, Season 5 - Shamanic Monday, introduced the Shaman and Lost Soul.
20th February, MyHordes officially merged with Twinoid.
1st December, Hardcore towns were introduced.
15th November, Season 4 - Going Underground, introduced the Survivalist and the Technician, as well as exploring Buildings.
17th August, Pre-war Camera fixed, now all players with 6 months of hero time receive the camera.
21st July, Season 3 - A Chemical Necromancy, the update primarily consists of an overhaul to the Construction Sites taking the building total up to 140 and requiring Blueprints to be found before most buildings can be built.

Latest news

Insidious Bugs

Less tolerance, more violence. You know what that means... it's tie[sic] for a new season on MyHordes!

Will you be able to cheat, lie and manipulate your way to the top of the World Beyond rankings?

Time will tell... CROOOOAAAA...!

Did you know...

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  • The wiki needs an article on every subject related to Die2Nite, so there's no shortage of possible pages to create. Choose whatever you consider to be the most fun topic. You may write about RolePlaying, or Strategies, anything you find necessary.
  • If you are unsure of what to do or how to create a page, search for a few articles on the same topic and see what they look like. You can always view the source code in a wiki and learn from what others have done.
  • An edit doesn't have to be massive; if you feel you don't want to create whole articles, then just fixing spelling errors and broken links is enough.
  • Check out the todo list.

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